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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Oh shaney, just look at you, so sweet.
Alas, I am now starting a cold, my nose is hurting inside and also my throat.
And now I'm getting a funny spasm around my thumb on my injured wrist hand. There's always something int there. I's an age thing! I'll go ang wash some pots in hot water that may help.

I thought that was your OH Shaney!
Lol..Mr S is very fair haired and blue eyed with a beard ...few grey hairs now though .
My brother's hair is now completety white ,a bit like his little sister ,
but he doesn't get his highlighted . I was 22 when that taken and he was 34 .
Watched Birds of a Feather .It was ok .Dorien hasn't changed a bit,she must have a picture in the attic .
Silent Witness was good as usual although it's not quite same without Leo and the lovely Tom Ward.
Looks like bad weather on the way again .Batten down and KBO.
Sleep toight .
its noisy but ok here. dogs seeming to be learning to sleep through windy weather which is a bonus. Oight oight you lovely people
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well, my big deal today was to go to Primarché and get some sunglasses for £2. Just on the offchance that I'll have to drive into the sun again before June or thereabouts. They're quite ashing, too.
Good morning, feel ill, sore throat, coughing runny nose and lethargic. Advice on what to take paracetamol or ibruprofen?
Good morning...(It's not good)

Neti take both, alternately, get well soon.
I'm poorly too, up til the wee small hrs, running to the loo :(. It could be ibs but I suspect a bug cos I've felt unwell/glandular for days, especially yesterday and I ache like hell today. Gave in & took imodium at 3am which did help, decided to try to sleep and then the weather turned wild! At 7.45 I got a bloody sales call, grrrr. I hate doing it but I just put the phone down. Just after 8 they started having work done next door...this ain't my day.
I think crip sums it up. Hope yours is better.
Thanks Robi, you poor thing, get well soon.x
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paracetamol up one nostril, ibuprofen up the other, that'll deal with the runny nose. I got quinine tablets from the doc yesterday (cramp, not malaria) but have only just noticed that you're not supposed to take them if you have tinnitus, which I do. So I am waiting for the surgery to call me back with advice, though I don't believe for a moment that they will and I will have to go there in the rain and glare at them.

Poor Robi, you sound in a terrible pickle, it's depressing the way we get run down in winter, and having only 30 minutes daylight oop north there just makes it worse. We need some sort of anti-SAD centre for biddies somewhere in the Midlands where we could bask in electric candlelight all day reading improving works of fiction.
Ha, I think we need a biddy respite home with a revolving door. I get despondent pretty quickly I suppose, just as I get one thing under control something else takes over.

For anyone lolling this afternoon the old version of Rebecca with Lawrence Olivier is on BBC 2 at 2 o'clock.
It's 20° here and I just let the cat out and it was pleasant, but I staggered back to bed.
Oooh, I'm half asleep, I forgot to mention shaneys avatar, it's a lovely pic. :)
good morning. the dogs spent the night chasing a fox in the garden and worrying about the weather and I have a stomach upset (stress). Sis is looking after us. We had explosions yesterday evening as well, sounded more like maroons than fireworks.
Shall we go back and restart this year again?
Oh dear, now you woofy, we're going down like ninepins...Start again? No thanks, how about fast forwarding to May day?
Hello all
Sorry to hear we have poorly biddies .I hope you all soon feel better . I'm not exactly 100% either but I'm staggering along also stuffed to the gunnels with Immodium.
The weather is awful here .We've just had a hailstorm ,great golf balls raining down the chimbley ,thunder and lighting ,very very frightening .If the bloody lights go out once more I'll throw a wobbly .
I bought a little wind up torch this morning which you hang round your neck ,they're not catching me out again :)

am getting plenty of exercise today running to the loo! I try not to use immodium as it will be days before I get back to normal if I do.
Afternoon all! Get well soon all of you. I hate it when I have the runs. Itstios you doing anything doesn't it! I on this Pentasa tablet once a day now so hopefully they are keeping ulceratative colitis at bay.
Thumb pain and spasm still playing up butI can cope with it.
The weather is naff, rain and wind! on and off all day.
Just been cleaning up in general. My cooker's had a going over and I have some ironing but now in the mood for anything much. To tell the truth I;m on a bit of a downer after Christmas. Ne'erind eh.We'll find out who did it and why in silent witness tonight wont we. KBO everybody. Soon be Spring!
translation! Itstios = It stops
Ne'erind = Never mind
I;m =I am
I don't like resorting to imodium unless I really have to go out but I was so tired and getting wobbly and agitated and I'm terrified of passing out. I only take one as a rule.
The weather warnings are sounding really grim and I'm sure my lights are flickering now and then...better locate my torch and four candles.

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