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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
I'm seriously beginning to doubt my sanity. I just took some washing from the airer to finish it off in the dryer.
Instead of putting it in said dryer I put in the washing machine , put powder in and switched it on .It's now merrily going round for the second time .
Morning all...very grey and miz but the wind's calmed....for now. I think there's another blast on it's way.

Yes, sad news about Phil, I loved the Everly brothers, our bro gave us his LP, great singalong songs. haha, Right as Ever? My songs would be Walk Right Back (this time in a straight line).....( Not only Love)Everything Hurts...and Bloodshot Eyes. :)

Pleased you're still with us neti, but carry on taking it easy! We know what you're like, to be up and running before you're better won't do you any good mi girl.
I had a trip free night and slept quite well. I only had tea/soup/toast and actimels yesterday and I don't feel quite so drained today, might have some fish & mash later.

Looks like we'll be having to wake you up then jno...when I had my new bed I had to leave it to air for about three weeks because of the awful 'new' smell. It has a built in memory foam layer and apparently it's quite common with those. It's comfortable but think I could have chosen one with a better memory.

haha, lol shaney, we like to do everything twice us's as bad as me when I go to bed, I pop in the loo (on a normal activity night thit is), get ready for bed....pop in the loo...and wonder why nothing's happening.
I could form my own group ATM, the noises my chest is making when breathing is amazing.
Haha Shaney that dryer thing is what I do except I don't turn the machine on.
I did honestly think I might die last night, well old people do with the flu. I had the heating on for a while and I'm sure that helped.
oh dear neti, you'll be fine. I wish I had a tenner for all the times I've been convinced I was going to die, haha. Funny thing is, when I really almost did it never crossed my mind. So that's it then, if you think you most likely won't.

Confused? :)
Housewife 49 is on itv3 at 2.50.

I know it was silly of me Robi but I just couldn't breathe, on the mend now. Maybe I should consider having the flu jab after all.
Neti, just do it, even if you get the wonkies for a few days, its better miles better than flu.
My tum is better today. We had another noisy night last night so not much sleep heigh ho.
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oh dear, not everyone getting a night's sleep on an expensive new mattress delivered in the wee small hours, then? Yes, neti, do get a flu jab for goodness' sake.

Almost went outsdie the house today but it is dark and rainy so instead I have been indulging in massively pointless debates about who said what about 12 Years a Slave... really, some people do give senior citizens a bad name.
I know....obviously forgot to get a tablet refill. I have got another fool on another thread saying that poodles don't ever shed hair.....
They obviously never had a standard poodle just in from the rain and frantically trying to dry himself on anything and everything! :)

It was so dark here I had a light on all afternoon.
I feel remarkably better, still coughing like fag ash lil, but headache has gone. I have even eaten baked beans and cocktail sausages on taost, but only a small portion. I got up for an hour but back in bed now with a cuppa.

Maybe won't have the flu jab now as I only felt ill for about a day, and the jab may give me wonkies for a few days, umm must weigh it up!

I want to start cleaning but Mr N has it well under control so will let him for a while!
woofy, very nice, I love those!!
Apparently today was incredibly warm and sunny, but is blowy a hooley now and raining! (which is probably why I am feeling better, it's the dark side in me!)
They are good aren't they? I am hoping that the heels aren't too high. Neti, if you are up and eating today, then its not flu, so a flu jab wouldn't have helped.
Love those boots woofy, let me know how they are ...I almost ordered the beige suede option but thought the heels might be a bit too high
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the boots look good for kicking doctors, but perhaps steel caps would be better as they have tough hides
Well my gingerbread man doesn't need boots, I've bitten his legs off...I needed to take my miffedness out on someone, I haven't won the quadruple lotto, tut and thrice tut.
we are in bed. It is not raining or blowing a hooly, amazing!
Yes Robi i will report back on the boots. I have another m and s pair with a 38mm heel. these are a 55mm so maybe ok

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