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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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jno jnr and gf went to a dinner and dance at Toaster, which I hunted for in vain on a map till he kindly told me it was written Towcester; but the rest of her family were still too ill to go.

However, it gave him his first motorway drive, on reasonably empty roads, since he got his licence.
I'll start on the decs tomorrow, although I like to leave something up until the Los Tre Reyes.

Got up at 4 ish and watched The terminal together, then he made sobrasada and cheese on toast for us and now I've washed up, but left it to drain as it is a fiesta day.
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and when is it not a fiesta day? It must be Dia del Asunción de la Neti soon
Well ,Mr S said it was very romantic as we sat here for the last couple of hours by the light of a Prices candle and a maglite .
Oh dear Shaney, hope you won't be grubby and freezing again. Robi, that's it exactly. It was lovely seeing Sis and we've had a great time but Christmassy it wasn't. I don't feel sad or let down, or much really
Power cut .The lights have been flickering all day .
They got the houses across the other side of the park on after about 20 minutes but we sat here for couple of hours in the dark .Couldn't make a cup of tea so had to resort to the whisky bottle :)
Shaney, you didn't have to go cut the main cable for an excuse to get the whisky out!!!
Lol...and my New Years resolution was to drink less whisky.
But when you have an emergency you need something to steady the nerves :)
I'm itching to take the deccies down too but Mr S pulls a face and says leave them up until the 6th .
I watched The Terminal ..Love Tom Hanks . I always well up when he loses his food vouchers ,he looks so sad and lonely roaming around the airport and nobody helps him .It's a lovely feel good film with a happy ending .
If I worked in that terminal I would take him food daily and do his washing. He only wanted that one day.

Good morning, not chrismassy at all but never is here.

Once Mr N has gone to work I'll start on the decs. He has given up golf and I am desolate, can't stand having him lolling about, getting in my way. I'll try to bite my tongue but fear we'll have some rows now. He's golfed for 36yrs!
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gven up golf?? That's one hell of a new year resolution. Maybe he has planned to spend more time in the bosom of his family.
Afternoon all...cold but beautiful day, sunny and blue skies...washin' a-flappin', bit of shopping done. Exciting eh?
I'm living in limbo at the moment, no calendar. If I buy myself one before xmas someone buys me a nicer one...when I don't bother I end up scribbling on the wall until they're giving them away in March.

I'm surprised we haven't had power cuts, the lights have flickered a few times.

Neti, the answer is take up golf yourself!
Take up golf? it's too expensive here that's the reason he has to stop, it is ridiculosly expensive.

Have just finished taking down all the decs, what a chore, I always mean to store them properly but get so fed up I bung them in bags and label then big treem, little tree etc, and I do check all the lights before I store them, my body aches so much now, and feet are killing me.

I hope to start at the gym for older woman on Tusday, where I well maybe the youngest!!
Just going to cook macarroni cheese tonight with some spicy sausage in it to cheer it up a bit.
Hello all
The lights went out again and we lost the internet connection then the phone went on the blink .Tree down on the power lines somewhere or other . All seems to be Ok again but it blacked out nearly as far as Lowestoft .It all happens here you know !
I took myself to town this morning though for an hour or so as it was such a nice sunny day .I needed an airing .Didn't buy much though only some food bits in M&S.
Hope you are all ok .
Hi Everybiddy. Had a lovely walk today over The Chevin and round Belper a 'mini' town near Derby. A bit bigger than a village! About 4.5 miles so my friend's gadget said. It was a saunter in a way cos it was hilly and muddyish.
I watched Terminal too. I'd never heard of it until the other day but started to watch and just had to keep on to the end. Tom Hanks is a good film actor! I also watched the last Harry Potter. I read all the books and have seen most of the films.
Another programme I watched in the early morning was Jesus Christ Superstar done in the 70s Rock era. Tim Minchin was Judas. I thought it as brilliant.
Just about ready to get back into some sort of routine. Decs down on 6th like Mr S. Going to was Silent Witness tonight. Have a good rest if the day.
Watch not was!
I wonder if that's a photo of Shaney and her romantic OH!!
Shaney, what a pretty couple, is that you and Mr.S?

Macaroni cheese was Delicious. I used my blow torch to brown it, was so quick.

Strange sitting here in an "undecorated" room. Looking forward to Birds of a feather and Benidorm.
And that is Neti and her handsome OH!
The pretty one is me ..and my brother Clifton.

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