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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
or munching too many toffees etc!! Yes yes I know, Am cutting down on Jan 1st.
Just cruising by to say Goodnight .
Slightly muddly day with unexpected visitors ,one who I was pleased to see and another who doesn't know when to go home ! My cousin ...Mr S was doing his nut .She parks her backside and jaws on and on while I supply tea and eats .She can demolish a tin of biscuits at ten paces ..Gawd.

Anyway I hope you are all ok apart from these tums which I hope soon settle down .I know the gippy tum feeling all too well. Peppermint tea all round .
It's been drizz mizz here and blowing a gale all day and looks the same for the foreseeable future .
Sleep toight all .
wide awake tonight, not sure why....
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tut, looks like we've all been left off the honours list again. Perhaps we can invite Becks and Posh and Andy Murray to a nice tea for the dishonoured.
Good morning biddies, no sun here yet at the moment.

If I am dishonoured, I am going to be dishonoured dishonourably. And this is the night to do it!
Jno - I need a guide???? I probably wrote it!!
Hello Dames
Not a very nice day to end the year .Raining and blowing a gale here .Dull as ditchwater out there .
Hope you're all ok and that tums have settled down .
If I see one more post from that moaning misery running on about immigrants I'll scream .
I agree. I wish the witterers would all just bog off. I have just been terse with one in News
Oh lawdy now woofy is sounding like Nella Last "[i] I have just been terse with someone in News"[i]

Love it!
why didn't it work??
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we immigrants have long learnt to exercise patience and forbearance with our excitable hosts. I feel sorry for poor Moaning Minnie, she seems to live a life of literally constant pain that her doctors have failed to treat; but I wish she wasn't always taking it out on Bulgarians.
I am an immigrant, but ne'er a benefit in sight. No money no doctor, no money no food etc when I came here.
Lol Jno ...I spend a lot of my time in considerable pain from this sodding arthritis but I just have to grit my teeth and get on with it ! I hope I don't bore the world and his wife with it or take it out on others :)
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i know, shaney, some immigrants just go on and on complaining about the weather, it's heartbreaking sure it is. Puts another winter fuel payment in the mail to the Med.
Just had Lobster Thermador, we pensioners in the Med sure know how to live! It was from Lidl and the size of a prawn. We are supposed to be going out but as himself is snoring on the settee I have my doubts. Oh well, turn another bar on the electric fire and throw another log on the fire, if I've got the winter fuel allowance then must use it.
Lol.....don't panic Neti.
If you run out of logs or lobster we'll have a whip round :)
Us pensioners ( including immigrants ) know how to live here too .We're having our usual New Years fare of Düsseldorfer potato salad ,Strammer Jungs and blinis with smoked salmon and cream cheese.
Where's our Robinia ? I hope she's ok .
Evenin' I is, just whizzin thru'. Hope everyone's fought off the lurgies and rumblin' tums. I'm still beating back a dodgy throat/snuffly sneezes but I don't like to complain, lol

I might be back before midnight, I expect it'll be very noisy, but just in case have a lovely time, whatever you're doing!...

(2014 is the Chinese year of the wooden horse...and that's me!)
pretty Robi!
I wish you all and your families and loved ones a happy, healthy and comfortable 2014.
We just had lidl lobster and jacket spuds for dinner, jolly nice.
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I am still trying to figure out why the Chinese welcome the New Year in with "My Darling Clementine" but maybe it is really an old Mandarin folk ditty.

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