Can some knowledgable person out there tell me what to look for when buying a new desk-top. I find that waiting for info to appear on my screen frustrating. So--- What size Ram and what size processor do you recommend or any other things I should look out for. Many thanks Telboy
There is no easy answer to this as it depends on what you want to use it for.
If you just want one suitable for web surfing and office applications, then visit PCWorld or similar and pick one up there.
If, however, you are looking for a gaming PC, then you are talking a lot more money, example, I just replaced my video card for one that cost �190, motherboards designed for gaming PCs are also expensive.
So, first decide what the PC is going to be used for.
Generally, for bog standard activities, you will need to focus on RAM (random access memory) and ensuring that your broadband connection is sufficiently large enough to not slow you down during peak usage times.' You can always check your current speed (an in fact right now is an excellent time to do so) by going to . and engaging the speed test.
I think the cpu/processor is most important ,then ram-but not so important once you have enough,say 512+, but also what software is running/installed can have a big impact - try and only install what you need to. Most limits on web browsing are now probably limited by connection speed which the fastest pc in the world wouldn't change.
You would be better off getting a dual core processor,3.4ghz. 2 gb of RAM is recommended but a minimum of 1gb for XP and Vista. Do not under any circumstances get Vista Home Basic as its absolute rubbish. Graphics cards are cheap these days,you can get 256mb as standard on most shop bought PC's these days. I would recommend getting one custom built as you get better value for money than with shop bought.
Thanks for advice. I still run XP Prof on my PC (still think it better than vista which I have on laptop)..I don't download music or films and my problem (speedwise) has worsened since loading Office 2007. I don't know if I should have deleted the previous Office first...I didn't and it loaded ok. As I am not very knowledgable on setting up programmes etc I am scepticle about deleting any in case I make an error. All I want is to be able to sit at my Pc and get up "On-Screen" any file I need without a long wait.
I would insert more memory if it would help but maybe the processor is the problem
2.00 gigahertz AMD Athlon XP
64 kilobyte primary memory cache
256 kilobyte secondary memory cache
192 Megabytes Installed Memory
I do have quite a lot of programmes installed such as
Abbyy FineReader / Adobe Reader & Photoshop / Decadry Labeller / Expressit / LogoManager / MSN Messenger / Nero Suite etc
Any further comments will be much appreciated. Thanks.
I agree,your problem seems to be the RAM,its cheap enough to buy,do the scan at CRUCIAL.COM as stated above but don't buy the RAM off them as they are very expensive. Once you know what type of RAM you need just enter the code number in google and look for the cheapest from a reputable company.
You say you have 192Mb of memory. I assume that is a 128Mb stick and a 64Mb stick.
You need to check what the maximum memory is that can go in your PC, the crucial site will probably tell you that. It may be 1Gb or 2Gb unless it is a very new PC.
You also need to find out how many memory slots you have. If it is an old PC then you probably have 2.
If you have 2 slots then it is probably best to remove your existing memory and replace it with 2 x 512Mb strips to give you 1Gb in total.
Or you could have a single 1Gb strip (with nothing in the other slot) again giving you 1Gb in total.
You may be able to go to 2Gb (with two 1Gb strips) but this is probably overkill as you will not gain much over having 1Gb of memory.
Once again may I thank you all for your valued help. Having checked my system the max I can have is 1Gb.....As I have 256Mb at present with one empty slot I will purchase 2 x 512Mb ram which will, as you suggest, give me 1Gb ram.
Will have a crack at installing myself, who knows, maybe I can do more than I thought....Thanks Guys...Telboy