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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
All washing done and resting now! Was a great time in uk. Rain and cold and I LOVED IT!
~is there anybody there?~
All settled back again. Hasn't been too humid up til now! Met Mr Ns sister yesterday for drinks and a catch up. They aren't particularly close! Was nice though. Suffering a bit today, so having a quiet day!
How is everyone on here?
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trying to patch up my lawn, having ripped great clumps of moss out of it. Putting down grass seed and topsoil then watering and hoping for the sun - got a lot of sun today, thank goodness. Am I wrong to want my lawn to be grass?
Grass! Ahh I remember that!
Baby foxes playing on sister's lawn (sideways!)
Look jno a lawn ! Eat your heart out!!
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huh, foxes constantly hop over the fence and leave rubbish on my lawn, or worse fox poo.

This week they mysteriously seem to have left a broken brandy bottle under the acer. I'm at a complete loss to know how that turned up. I can't see any way a fox could smash a bottle but how could a human put it there?
Hot hot hot. Just had to do a spring clean of house and garden as we are inundated with ants. It's not just us it's the whole island but we have sorted out their nests hopefully !
How is everyone?
No idea about your fox jno but they are clever little devil's!
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they'd been promising biblical downpours for today with thunder and lightning. Instead it was grey this morning, then hot and sunny in the afternoon and didn't start pouring till an hour ago. Maybe this is Camelot, where it only rains at night.
We got the biblical downpours and wind in the early hours but no thunder and lightening! Quite pleasant today but am still recovering from unpleasant hospital experience on Thursday that involved the bibllcal wind blowing me up like a balloon. I'm surprised I didn't take off!!

Love to all biddies.
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ooh er, yes, that's uncomfortable, Oldcrow. Especially because I don't always need medical help to inflate these days.
I was thinking the same jno. I now remember the wobbly man! No wonder I didn't hurt myself on escalator I must have rocked back and forth.
Am having a cba day. Its hot, its boring so am doing nothing!
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jno jnr usually phones me in the evening once baby O has gone to bed but he didn't call till after 11 last night. Turned out he'd been doing the Barbenheimer thing, two hours of Barbie, break for tacos, then three hours of Oppenheimer. Mrs jnr is going to see Barbie tomorrow but will probably skip Oppenheimer.
I'll wait until I can download them and watch at home!
We went to a lovely shaded beach restaueant for a mixed grill . Was so relaxing
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I went to see my surgeon, who says I'm doing fine but I'll have a few more tests to make sure I'm safe to fly. I have now come home and it's rubbish bin day tomorrow so I have spent the last two hours shredding OH's records. I'm back to 2002 with the John Lewis credit cards and 1994 with the payslips. OH never threw anything away. I may sneak out and try to burn some of it after midnight but that's highly illegal.
Oh jno I've been there with hija and Mr Ns papers. 3 days it took me just to shred hija's nonsense. I did burn some in the laundry room sink but the ashes clogged the drains doh! Took me another few days to clear that!!
Where are you planning on flying to? Warn me in advance so I can clean the house!
hello all, sorry for vanishing, I have been zogged out with hayfever meds. Its fine if I take them at night but if I wait then I just sleep all day. Its been either hot and humid here or wet and humid. Jno I coughed up for a secure shredding firm in the end, can't remember which one. They did a domestic single visit service for people dealing with stuff like that and while it wasn't cheap, it was a huge weight gone.
Jno Jnr sounds crazy but each to their own. I am glad to see that your health is improving.
Neti I am house sorting too, have ripped through the kitchen and made more space by adding extra cupboard shelves. You can't store so much tall stuff but the extra room is amazing.
Oldcrow, i hope you are now feeling deflated in the nicest possible sense.

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