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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
Just went to along forgotten beach for brekkie and it was lovely. Sunny and breezy with Julio Inglesias singing on the radio. So very 70s. I'm even conidering going there to sunbathe!
Hardly anyone there and no noisy pink Brits!
Hello woofy. Sorry you haven't been feeling too well. Glad you are back with us! I've been near pine trees today and am snuffling with weepy eyes now . It'll pass! You are always cleaning and sorting !!
Oh great excitement! We are promised a storm so we are all battening down the hatches, all swim rings etc either deflated or tied up. I expect the leccy wil bang off and that's fine if Mr N is here!
So oppressively hot at the moment! I have air con on at 20° a ceilng fan and a floor fan whirling at 24! Whatever that is but it's makes a hellova breeze . Just had a naked dip in pool and that's cooled me A
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big storm blew over us around lunchtime, neti, I couldn't see which way it was going but it might have fancied a knees up in the Balearics. Just as it was approaching I lost my internet connection, but it turned out it was the phone that had shut down; maybe "atmospheric disturbances" or something. It switched back on about three hours later.
Another sudden vicious storm came along with giant hailstones! I was terreified as it was so loud.
My very old very thin qebtmmiasing last night. I doubt she has survived.
* cat went missing
Sorry to hear about your cat Neti. I have been down with a stomach bug, think it was Norwalk, I am still tired and wobbly from it. We've had the tip down weather as well but not as much as forecast. It has made the garden leap up in all directions though which is lovely. Waves to everybody.
Cleaning op after the storm. So much debris! We found our cat but she was dead. I knew she'd die soon as she was getting thinner and dribbler but she was playing with toys a few days ago. Was either thr horrendous heat or the storm. She was a feral and died outside even though she has several cosy places to sleep. I am so sad! Mr N has buried her. We have quite a collection of dead pets on our land! We've also found a hornets nest which we must deal with tonight!
Oh poor woofy, hope you are feeling better. Do you have sis with you?
Weather much more clement now. Not nearly as hot. Hornets nest gone. Life is almost worth living again !
Hi all. fortunately sis not here Neti as I wouldn't want her to get it. Stomach aspect is over and done with thank goodness but I am sooooo tired. i got up this morning, put the bins out, went back to sleep and woke up at lunchtime! Sorry to hear about your cat but I am sure you gave her the best life that you could and that is important. Weather is much nicer and cooler here too. Its time for bed here. Waves to everybody
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my word, i've just got a replacement credit card in the post and it's almost entirely black. Very suave and 1970s! The space for my signature is slightly over an inch so I may have to put it in with a microdot, but nobody ever checks it these days.

I hope you're on the mend, woofgang, and neti's cat has gone to cat heaven.
Oh dear another nasty storm and high winds all day. Lovely and cool except when the sun comes out for 1 min and then it's boiling!
hello all stomach bug has gone and sinusitis is back. I got some great advice from my free online gp service....well its not free its part of bupa and its on its way to getting sorted but the OTC stuff to sort it (decongestant PLUS antihistamine) would knock out an elephant. I chug plenty of coffee and hope for the best! I hope you are all keeping well.
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we've got a week (or so) of sunshine coming up, neti. I went out walking the streets today and tomorrow I will do the same in some other town, camera in hand. Got to make the most of the weather before it starts snowing.

Woofgang, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
Yet another bad storm with high winds yesterday. We went to Ibiza Town but everywhere was so crowded. Had a quick bite in BK and came home . Its quieter hut overcast and muggy today. I have received my neck fan from Amazon but it's so heavy to wear!
Glad you are feeling better jno and woofy
its been totally boiling here today and yesterday and forecast for the week. I have been slapping woodhardener and filler on my old bench and spraying waterproof preservative on the new bench that was a birthday gift from Sis....I know how to live
Weather now is much better. Slight breeze and sun . I'm now in winter mode!
Hija popped her knee out and can hardly walk. Went to A&E and they did something but it's no better today so she's off work for 3 days! They all get under my feet and annoy me!
Yrs new c/card is black and very hard to read the number! Doesn't stop me spending though!

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