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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017

Life certainly is one thing after another Jno. I expect you were pleased to see your sister. Nice break for you.I doubt I'll be seeing much of my brother for the foreseeable although I did visit him in hospital where he's nursing a broken hip. He's not the most patient of patients either.Not much news from Shaneytowers.I've bought a plot for Mr.S at the crematorium rather than putting in the drink which seemed so final.I can join him there eventually. I expect he'll be ever so pleased:) So apart from the loneliness life goes on but I'm going to my great niece's 40th birthday on Saturday.It'll be nice to see family and talk to them instead of myself:) Keep as well as you can folks.Pip pip for now.



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enjoy the family, shaney. Until I can be sure my insides are not going to be tumbling out, I will have to postpone my own long-haul trip to deliver OH's ashes to the family plot. As to mine, jno jnr can make up his own mind when the time comes, my own parents aren't far away from OH's (but a long way from here)

Hello everyone

. Nice to see you shaney. 

Good results at Mexico. 

Still hot here !

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I'm getting so fed up with the rats patrolling the back door (from outside) that I've ordered somebait and a bait station. I looked out of the window today and crows were eating one of them, so that's one less. Get rid of them and I'll be able to tackle the fruit fly invasion.

Omg jno. You'll start another plague!

We get rats and mice and cockroaches but we are country living so luckily the cats sort them!

Lovely day here although it's allergy time and half the village are sniffling into hankies me included! Had hair trimmed so it wont too short for holidays!

Nb they are country rats not sewage so just like big mice really 

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the BBQ went well, lovely sunny day, our hosts and baby O all recovering from ailments but everyone was in good health.. Spent the day sipping wine and fell asleep as soon as I got home. (I woke up at 11 and thought it was 11am, but it wasn't.)

hello all, big Sis has been visiting and we took every opportunity we could to enjoy the weather and spend money. I have also been catching up on the garden and have finally got around to booking a leccy to come and sort out some jobs including replacing the downstairs loo light that failed during lockdown 1. I put up battery operated lights with a remote and never thought about it again! However my shed power needs sorting and I have a nasty feeling that a couple of my ceiling lights are coming out of their respective ceilings so thought I had better do something. I also did this for a facebook group I am on. Its based around a series of books written by the owner of the group, the recipes are supposed to have been written by characters in the books. Group members submitted recipes and I pulled them together and made the pages.

I hope you are all well and on the road to better. KBO!

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very handsome, scared though I am of anything to do with cooking; my mother before me was much the same. Did everyone insist on having their own typeface?

well all the characters did....the idea was that they sent/emailed/texted stuff and it all got pasted into the book. 

hello woofy. My you have been busy! Oh look at my typeface! No idea but I like it!

Have had a quick glance at the book and am impressed. Will read.peopwrly later qhen I have time. I don't do much  cooking these days as Mr N has retired so he has to do it! Ive done enough!

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still 20 degrees here today but apparently it might be snowing oop north by the weekend. Sis has left to do a tour of friends in Essex and I am sitting here with my nose streaming. At least it isn't Covid, I took a test.

Streaming nose snap! Me too jno. All the locals shake their heads and say allergy! Also been bitten to bits in lounge just now by those drated no-see-ums. Mr N should have sprayed the greenery ( weeds) to kill them but he hasnt!

Having a very quiet 79yh birthday. We went out for brekkie but have decided not to eat out tonight as we are dining with friends tomorrow !

happy birthday Neti and here's to many more. Am back to sorting junk again, there will be an end to it eventually. went over to marks foodhall today to see what was new and the answer is nothing. Still I enjoyed the drive, its through the forest. sis has gone home to get her jabs, see her optician and her gardener  and get her boiler serviced and is back at the beginning of november. KBO all

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I came across Hitler doing the Lambeth Walk today

i wonder if the mitten crabs are edible? Yes thats is a great clip Jno. No news here.

On fastest ferry in the world! To Denia. 

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oh my word, I got the shivers and shakes this morning. It was so bad I could only type with one finger. Maybe it was something to do with the cold I had, but that's almost gone now. I ended up turning the central heating up to 25 and going to bed with the thickest fleece I could fine. I woke up 2 hours later sweltering and with a headache but I was no longer shivering. I wonder what it was.

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