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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Oh jno I didn't know if that was good or bad, just hope all is well with OH!
Where's shaney?
I'm still battered and bruised and swollen and am very careful when I am out! Nice weather hot but bearable!
New carpet eh Woofy! You won't know yourself!!
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oh dear, OH has just got in from picking up our pills and potions from the chemist. She got chatting to the lovely young chemist, the one who calls us by our first names and asks how we are. Apparently she's been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, been operated on and given a stoma. She's just expecting her third baby too. Poor thing, it's all very well oldies like me and OH having bits falling off but it's so unfair on youngsters like her - she can't be more than 30.
That is a shame jno.. Young should be healthy and happy. And so should we!!
Had a night out on the tiles but feel ok ish today. Had friends over from UK so went out to eat then for a for a few drinks after. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Mr N texted me at midnight to seen if I was OK! Worried I would fall over again but I managed to stay upright even with a few wines and rocky path! Did me good.
Now biddies hope you are all well and happy. Shaney???
Don't panic. Haha. I'm fine. Just been staying away form doom and gloom for a while :)
I did have a real belly laugh earlier though. The government are sending letters to Germans here who can drive lorries. Mr S has an LKW licence from when he was in the army. I've told him apply straight away :)
Hope you're all well. Glad to see your OH is keeping steady as possible Jno. Shame for that young lady to have to through that but I was surprised when I used to go the clinic with Mr S that there were quite a lot of younger people there.
Hoe you feel better now Neti. How many times I have I told you to get a collapsible stick for your bag to navigate dodgy pavements !
Hope your carpet arrives soon Woofy and that your woofer is Ok.
Pip pip for now.
Yay shaney glad you are ok?!
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oh, that's nice, the Great Christmas Movies channel has begun broadcasting on Sky. They switch to some other topic in the New Year.
Mr N has an HGV licence but its run out. He is also a plumber methinks there is gold in that thar Great Britain!! I'll send him over!!
Had a storm in the night. Feral cat was crying but won't come in. Mr N has made her a dear little house with a window but she won't use it yet!! So much cooler today. Love it!!
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we've got warm weather, cool weather, wet weather, dry weather, something for every species of animal.

Plus it's Fat Bear Week!
Much cooler here. In fact I was chilly last night. In the night I banged my scabby arm and it poured with blood Mr N was running around getting the bandages. Blood all on bed but it was 4am so just left it. Took 2 boil washes to clear the blood! Took laptop into Ibiza to get tidied up as its lagging and Mr N bought me some ibicenco boots!! Also popped to cemetery and put a new floral display on mum's niche. Good days work!!
That's lovely Jno! the bears i mean.
Yes I think that stomas are suggested earlier now, as its better for the general health of crohns sufferers.
big wave to Shaney glad to see you back.
Oh dear Neti, you don't need to lose any more blood.
I now have CARPET! tomorrow starts the big furniture re arrange. We are a bit weary here. Two nights on the trot of awful weather which Rab hates so we spent a lot of the night watching rubbish telly but had to be up early this morning ready for carpet man. Quiet day tomorrow though. PS Neti, plumbers in massively short supply!

Woofy I would sleep face down on your new carpet. I love the smell. Does it look good?
Hello all, carpet looks FAB. Less fab is that on tuesday night I slipped in mud in the garden and landed with one foot tucked under my (not unsubstantial) bum which trashed my ankle. I have been swearing and ricing since then as well as chugging painkillers and am now more or less back to achey normal. Both knees and one shoulder also took some of the brunt to add to the fun. Anyway today i managed to get upstairs and put Sis's bed back together so she will have somewhere to sleep as she arrives on Tuesday and the bed has been in bits since the nice man replaced the floor. Hope you are all well.
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oh god, that's much like what happened to me a couple of years back, woofgang. No bones broken, but it took me quite a while just to haul myself back to my feet with the help of the garden waste wheely bin. It took a couple of weeks before I stopped limping. Good luck and get well soon.

We had a long conference call from Ophelia today. I was surprised as she hadn't zoomed us or skyped us or whatever it is, but it turned out she was hoping we might put in the odd day minding her while her parents work in the next room. I was wondering when that was coming. She will provide taxis and lunch, being a generous wee thing.

Actually, she went to a first birthday party the other day and, at less than 10 months, apparently towered over the host. She has quite a few teeth and is crawling well, but her conversation is still a little lacking.
Jno, Luckily I was near the door and hauled myself up on a storage box I keep the folding chairs in. I knew that I had this brief window before the pain kicked in so I forced myself to just bloody move but the next day was pretty horrible and sweary.
That's lovely to hear about Ophelia
Oh no woofy that is the third biddy to fall over and you said you had no intention of doing so!!! Sounds really painful I do hope you will recover soon . I could not have got up if the young chap hadn't hauled me to my feet!! I have a very mossy area outside the back door so must watch my step there!
Had a lively Sunday I stayed in bed most of the day as a treat playing games on cleaned laptop! And Mr.N made a roast lamb dinner. I had to wash up and it took ages as dishwasher is small so had to do loads by hand.
Shaney are you OK and Robi??
Afternoon all
All fine now after no heating or hot water since last Thursday.
Engineer not long gone and new valve fitted and fully serviced boiler.
I was thinking of put some bunting up to welcome him having not seen or heard anything from British Gas since our last service in November 2019.They keep taking the money though!
Sorry to hear you've had a bump Woofy. Hope you soon feel OK.Keep moving.You can do some bopping about on your new carpet:)
Ophelia sounds very sweet and I bet you're very pleased to go and mind her Jno.Let us know what she serves for lunch.
Haha Neti. Way to go. I could do with a nice holiday in Spain.
After all you are my posh friend with a villa and it would be free wouldn't it? :o)
Haha shaney! Yes indeed except for the fact that there is absolutely no room at Villa Neti. Even Mr N and I are having to share a room again!!( that is actually OK!) Sister and best friend are also queueing up!! We've emptied rhe pool today to save on electricity!!
Hello all and a special hello to the Queen of Ibiza.
Happy Birthday Neti.Hope you have a lovely day and many happy returns.
I got a nice man to sing a song for you .Enjoy!

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