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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Thanks for recommendations shaney. I'll look for them.
Yes mr N says our big turkey is ridiculously large for the two of us but he'll cook it anyway. Can always freeze it.
Latest travel update. Hija is arriving mañana!
That's lovely news for you Neti.
Hope things go smoothly unlike here where Bozza and co are dithering about and people want to know sooner rather than later what is going to happen with their Christmas plans.
Nothing much to report.Dull old day out there,pitch dark now.
Greetings from my sofa to yours:)
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yawn... another sleepless night so I have slept the daylight hours away instead. I'm definitely a nocturnal animal, though I suppose everyone is this time of year.

Sis has decided to throw caution to the winds and buy ingredients for Christmas dinner. I hope it doesn't have to get put in the freezer for six months like last Christmas.
We will be at each others throats in 24 hrs as we are too alike ! Think shes only here for a week or less.
Blumming cold here today. I went to village specifically for my meds and sprouts and totally forgot about them so will have to go again tomorrow!! Bah humbug!
Ah well ..I'd better ring the butcher tomorrow,cancel the beef and and get a couple of steaks instead. Picky got his booster last week but has tested positive for Covid today.
Probably picked it up somewhere at work.I doubt we'll see them now until next year.Better review the Sainsbury's order too.We can't munch and drink our way through a load of beer, fancy cheeses and other assorted goodies.I was so looking forward to winning money at cards:)
I think I'll go to bed and cry. Night all.
Oh no shaney that's a bummer. Hope pickey feels ok. How does one know, do you have to take random tests?
Hija has missed her flight! So tomorrow now. Actually Mr N and I have runny noses and my throat feels a tad scratchy. I hope its just a cold!
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maybe hija knows what she's doing...

We have just had a first birthday Zoom conference with baby O. She seems immensely cheerful and has already ripped three tabs out of a popup book. No proper party, of course, so I hope this doesn't give her a complex in later years.
Baby O is one? Where does the time go. Was jno jnr celebrating with her?
And no jno hija rarely knows what she is doing. I think it's the Spanish in her totally confused!! I had made a lamb stew as she requested so saving it until tomorrow so Mr N and I had poached eggs on cheese on toast and it was actually tasty!
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yes, jno jnr has done his time and been released into the community. He sounds fine.
Happy Birthday baby O. Doesn't seem five minutes since she was born.
Hope your daughter turns up soon Neti.
Picky has to test daily for work Neti but a colleague went off with it so he had to leave his office and go out on the road to deliver stuff where he said people were in his face all the time and not wearing masks.Then he started feeling ropey and a test confirmed it.His partner's got it now but she's off work anyway.I have no idea how these tests work ,I've never done one.Perhaps I'll ask on here.There seem to be plenty of scientists knocking about :))
Hope you're all ok .Keep safe.KBO.

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I haven't either, shaney, but OH says you poke a little stick up your nose and another into your throat.
hello all, real quick drop in glad you are all kbo...back tomorrow
We residents had to have one last year for free and it was painful, a long poke up the nostril
But we dont have to have them now unless we feel ill and at €8 a time I wont feel ropey! Anyway ibiza has run out of them apparently. We are now under orders to wear a mask all the time outside but I always have!
Leccy snapped off at 4.30 and this am Mr N took the place apart and couldn't find out why? I suggested that maybe the old light outside? He checked it finally and yay a bulb had blown. Did I say I told you so? Noo I didnt dare!
Just glad the washing machine etc are still working!
Hija has booked us an escape room for tonight but we just had a look and place is abandoned and deserted and not answering their phone! And no that's not part of the game so she is out of pocket until she can trace them!! Scoundrels!!
And bloddy lidl has nice small turkeys in. We used to love them as they are fresh and arent too big but havent done the for a couple of years so we got a frozen one from Tesco a while ago. But if I remember rightly last year was Tesco too and was jolly nice if big!!
Haha Neti. You must be Mystic Meg.
Went up to bed last night ,switched light on ,nothing,went to bathroom ,no light.No light on stairs and landing.Put light on phone and trudge downstairs,no lights in kitchen.Onward to cupboard to find switch tripped. Lights go on again except for bedroom. Bulb blown.Trudge downstairs again,find new bulb and replace.Fall into bed.Mr S snoring away merrily while I trudge round the house.He could sleep through WW3.
Butcher brought Christmas delivery.We got a freebie of a pound of sausages and half a dozen eggs for being good customers which was very nice of them.I opted for a boned rolled and stuffed half leg of lamb in the end.That'll do us for a couple of days or more.
No cold meat for bubble etc from steaks and I like Boxing day bubble,cold meat and pickle.
Hope you're all Ok.
We had a lively family outing to see lights in Ibiza and a meal. Hija and I didnt argue wow! Was glad to get onto my bed though as is walked around Ibiza in the day too! Just in village having a coffee and collecting pension. It's a tad chilly. I'm getting a deep fat fryer for xmas! I dont mind!

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