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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
That's a good photo Jno. Your fence looks like ours did before we had it all renewed. Our neighbour has now done his side and it all looks very nice apart from the actual garden but there's not much be done in this weather although we have just had a couple of sunny but very cold and frosty days.Gritters going past nightly,in convoy.
I think I would pass on the facial rejuvenation too.Teeth,dentists and people waving needles at you are enough to cope with. I'm waiting to see if I need a jab for cba with anything lately.
Not much to report. Same old. Hope you're all well.Keep warm.

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the reason the fence is tottering is that OH espaliered a young apple tree (the one in the photo) to it.

Blood test at the GP's on Monday and a couple of weeks later I've got a consultation with the hospital haemo department. I suppose they want me to have a blood test for that one as well, but the trouble is they haven't sent me a request form, so I may have trouble getting into the hospital to have one. I've tried phoning, emailing, filling out online forms etc but they never reply. Bah.

As OH also has another scan on Monday we have passed up the opportunity to mind baby O that day. I rather suspect the scan will show OH needs to resume chemo after having 10 months' respite, but we'll see.
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we had another Zoom call with O today, whe was chewing on a piece of paper that appeared to be one of the flaps from a book like Where's Spot? We said, look, next time we come over we'll bring some glue and we can put the book back together and stop her eating it. jno jnr just said "Mum, we're just going to throw it away."

Throw a book away? Can this be a child of my blood? Or did goblins steal him from his cradle and replace him with an evil changeling?
that's a beautiful image Jno. I hope you are all well.
Hello everyone. All ok? Its so cold here in the villa. Dont put gas fire until about 4 as its sunny outside and I have front door open but by 'eck tis cold and I also have a headache.
My ibicenco old neighbour has just phoned to ask if everything is ok as I have no washing out today and that is unusual. I assured her all was fine but shes so sweet!
hello all, nothing to report here, still flaming cold.
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that's very kind of her, neti. Early on in lockdown we did have a couple of neighbours ask if we would like our shopping done - we said we were okay but thanked them - but I don't think anyone's monitoring our laundry.

Still feels cold here but it's actually 7 degrees - it was zero last night and very frosty.
Very damp here but 12° so a hit like UK summer but feels so cold to us. It's the dampness.
Just heard ny 84 y o bro in Canada is in hospital with blood clots in his chest. Hes such a lovely bro and it's all so far away. Doubt any of us can get as we are scattered worldwide and all ancient ! The others are keeping on touch by phone.
Which reminds me shaney how is your bro keeping these days?
He's in hospital atm Neti.Heart problems again. He had a pacemaker fitted a couple of months ago but it doesn't appear to be doing much good. He sounds very breathless when I speak to him on the phone and his heart rate is very erratic .Worrying. I hope your brother will be Ok.It's even worse when they're so far away as I know all to well with my eldest brother.
Hope your OH's scan will be OK too Jno and that you don't have to undergo another round of chemo.
Nice bright weather atm ,but cold.Same old here.KBO.
Shaney I've sent you an email
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don't know, shaney, the hospital phoned up this morning to say OH's appointment this time will be not with one of the junior staff but with the consultant herself. This doesn't sound promising. Well, fingers crossed.
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OH not too bad, the staff were impressed at staying off chemo for 10 months but they've detected a slight growth in "the mass" (they don't even seem sure it's a tumour) so they're going to crank it up again though possibly not such an exhausting cocktail of drugs this time and they can stop whenever OH says enough. A second Covid booster is also on the way as OH will now be very vulnerable again. But it could have been a lot worse.
Oh dear jno. So that'll be a 4th covid jab? Will OH have to avoid baby O. I know my sister had to avoid children when she was having chemo. I wish OH well.
I've woken up with a raging toothache. Not surprising really as my teeth are in a bad way. I only have two that I can chew with and they hurt. It's time to pay the piper!!
Hope everyone is staying safe and well. It's out cold and damp season. I always forget how cold it is. Colder indoors than out!! We have no damp proof course on the villa and it's made from rocks and mud. Haha sounds bad but looks ok!!
Shaney I sent you an email the other day!!
I did reply Neti. Perhaps it go lost in the ether.Yes I would love to see that film and thank you for downloading it for me. My teeth are in need of attention but I can't get an appointment!
Sorry to hear about your OH Jno.Fingers crossed for you both that it all goes well.
Still very cold here still but at least it's been mostly bright and sunny.
In other news my old friend the bionic woman has died. She's now free from pain. Nice lady who will be sadly missed.
Keep warm and well folks.
Am on it shaney. Will be posted some time this week. I'll declare it as family photos.
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oh neti, teeth everywhere have my deepest sympathy.
I'm taking naproxen for tooth. It was prescribed for my gout but kills the toothache!! Makes me dizzy as its 550 grams. Nice to not have toothache. Will phone dentist tomorrow though.
Would love to go to Croatia for a whole new set. My friend did a few years ago and looks great!! But I have lost bone in my jaw so implants arent possible!! Jolly cold here today but I dressed up like an Inuit and walked to village had a coffee sitting outside and walked back. Brŕr!

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