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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
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all quiet here, no fireworks on the river but apparently the BBC will cover some other events without saying where they are, so people won't go rushing to them.

That's if there are any BBC people not busy interviewing Ghislaine's friends and family about what an innocent wee thing she is.
Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year. We are quiet here, there have been the kids really noisy close fireworks earlier but all over now although I expect more later. See you on the the side.
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lots of noise here but no light show. I did like the drone display in Greenwich (on telly). Happy new year to all.
Lots of unofficial fireworks last night buy pretry and noisy.
I've had a very very lazy day and just watched Our Yorkshire Farm all day as I love that programme
Just had egg n chips fried in new chip pan and very nice they were.
Shaney ai cant fi s that Grey Gardens film on Netflux but Spain has different contents. Its from 2009 with Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore . On Toutube there is a real documentary 1975 with the real people but without seeing the film first I wouldn't have I understood it.
Am looking forward to Downton Abbey tonight
Am waiting for a phone call from my bro in Canada so cant really have a bath or do anything!
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stayed up all night seeing the new year in, but not by choice. I fell asleep at lunchtime and got up at 4pm. I think my brain must be in the Sydney time zone. I'm getting fed up with being awake all night. It looks as if my GP is seeing people again so I might make an appointment.
Not many fireworks here,pretty quiet really. I watched the show from London which was very good. I tried to send it in a Whatsapp message for the Germans but couldn't get it to work.
I looked for that film on Netflix here Neti but they don't have it.I'll have to have a wander round the internet and see if I can find it somewhere.
I watched Downton. I have seen it at the cinema but worth watching again . I love the costumes and the dowager's waspish remarks.
There's a new one out this year at the cinema,Downton Abbey a new era. Maggie Smith is in it according to the trailer.Probably still wearing her Edwardian hats and dresses.
Hopefully I'll be able to go to the cinema and see it if Covid shoves off !
Oh you can't have that Jno. Horrible when you can't sleep.Best to see the doctor . They can probably give you a short course of something to rejig your body clock.
I'm clocking orf....Night all.
Hello all. I was up at 8am finishing the laundry room! Loves really neat and clean now!
We drive to Ibiza and came upon a nasty accident just as a body was being taken away. Apparently the driver crashed and fled the scene on foot. The police are looking for him.
Yes shaney I love Downton and although I had seen it at the cinema I had forgotten most of it!!. Hopefully our local little cinema will show the new one! Looking forward to Call the Midwife tonight.
Jno Me N also cant sleep at night which is why he sometimes goes into hijas room( when she away obvs!) But there again he dozes in the afternoon!!
Happy Kings Day to you all. Sunny but cold. Apparently the Kings did parade through our streets last night but not up this far! We decided it was better to avoid huge crowds. After NYE here 399 people were infected!
Hope you are all well and staying safe!
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safe so far, neti. Baby O is okay with nursery and apparently there's only one other baby in the same room with her at the moment as others have been promoted to toddler class. We are to go on sitting her on Monday, so she'd better not be catching anything.
Hello all. On the weekends our weather went down to 6° but today is back to 17°!
Just heard our lovely tesco is closing down this weekend. I am really seriously peed off as I love English bread and sausages. There is apparently a smaller waitrose and Iceland in san An so hopefully they are still ok!
Oh that's a shame Neti. Brexit I suppose.
Not much news. Dreary weather ,typical January.
The Pickies are back to work and over covid. Said it was like a nasty cold but I still don't want to get it so they can keep their distance for a while yet!
Hope you're all well.
I think we will get covid eventually, so many people I know have it. Yes people say it's like a bad cold.
I have bleached the bathroom ceiling and walls today and my chest is suffering. I did wear a mask but decided that diluting the bleach didnt work so used neat bleach. By god its strong . Breathing was difficult but its all done now. The dreaded black spot. I ask the family to turn on the extractor fan but do they listen??
Glad you are still ok shaney. Woofy are you ok? I know jno is!
Just been to Tesco. Not a lot there. I got one sliced loaf and no sausages. Of course lots of other things ie dettol!
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looks like they're destocking, neti. I remember when our local Borders bookshop closed, they had a huge sale and every night (they were open till midnight) they lowered the price of the unsold items further. I got a few books for less than £1 but I don't know that I read any of them.

Ay yi yi, baby O was a bit grumpy yesterday; maybe she's getting more teeth but jno jnr says he's looked carefully and can't see anything. I kept her quiet on my lap watching Monsters Inc for an hour before she started wailing again. It may be separation anxiety related to starting nursery, father was there but busy, mother was having a wisdom tooth out, and she looked distraught every time anyone (except me) left the room.

Got to get an implant tighted up tomorrow in faraway Herts or maybe it's Bucks. It's no bother, just the waking up early.
hope it goes well tomorrow Jno. We have got winter and rough weather here, rain, fog, cold and windy, take your pick but apart from that nothing happening here. Stay warm all
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sat in a jam for an hour en route to Bucks but fortunately we were able to call ahead and say we were delayed.

I was surprised to find the surgery menu included Vampire Facial Rejuvenation - I'd never heard of it. I looked it up and no way it's for me. But at least my implant is all sorted.
glad you are sorted Jno, still cold wet and foggy here. KBO everyone.
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it's been foggy in the morning here but very pretty as it rises.

This was this morning

(Sorry about the collapsing fence)
Jno that is a lovely photo . Expect Jack the Ripper to be lurking in that mist! How is Baby O getting on at nursery?
Our village has 2000 people with covid and I didnt know we even had that amount of people living here. Its ride so I'm just staying out of the way when I can. Had hair cut yesterday. Quite enjoy pottering round the old villa these days.
Keep on trucking my old maties!

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