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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Well ..sorry Neti ,but I don't think three quid in the thunderball is going to get us to Bazza.
Night all,sleep toight.
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Good morning. Thanks shaney no it won't.
Having a lie-in today.
Weather looks clement.
Nothing else to report.
Have a nice day.
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Just back from coffee and the weather has turned cold again. I wasn't prepared for it and froze on the way home.
A'noon come the rain clouds, it had been lovely but very cold.

Well I was going to buy you a lifetime membership to the RHS and a selection of their gardening courses neti but sadly I didn't win a bean. Never mind, there's Saturday to hope for.

Good luck with the students shaney. Bear in mind that if you talk about anything from 5 years ago you'll fade into black and white, anything from 20 years ago and you'll be sepia and sitting there in your bonnet and bustle :)

Hope you're all ok. I enjoyed Grantchester last night.
Hello all
Lovely sunny day but cold .
Lol Robinia ..last time they asked about family history regarding ologies. When I told them my Dad was born in 1904 they looked a bit bemused.
Be sure to smell of algipan and tcp :)
Btw, I do eat trees now, in small quantities. I've had hypnotherapy to make them taste of chs.
This is true Robi. Many years ago, (around the late eighties) reacher approached the hospital I worked in to ask if her kids could come in and talk to our residents about the years they were studying in history. “Sure” said the Matron “what years are they studying?” answer “the 1960’s"!!!!
I missed Granchester...will get it on catchup but my catchup is foobed!
Afternoon all. Been to the Drs re echo result. Just a slightly enlarged part of my aorta. He has written to a specialist for advice on what to do about it. I asked if I could have had it all my life and he said yes. Not sure about that really. Anyway if I haven't heard anything by 25th I have to go and see him again.

If I win the lotto I'm on my way to visit you all. Chance is a fine thing isn't it. Now there are more numbers it's not very likely to win even the 3 number prize is it.

My boiler man has been to check my noisy boiler but it didn't make the noise I hear every morning so I have to keep checking and then not let it come in until he gets here so he can hear it.

P.P.H. that's what we talk about isn't it now we're a bit older. Comparing notes and ideas.

Been in the garden this morning cutting back some of the plants and it was lovely and sunny but now it looks like rain, but my garden looks a bit tidier and Springlike. I'm really ready for Spring after all the rain and windy Winter.

That's typical Jude, appliances can be banging their insides out but when the van man arrives they behave. I was going to snip my mopheads off but they said it might snow tonight :(

Just like the Flintstones, we're a page right out of history :)
feeling it tonight Robi. have unfoobed catch up and eaten sushi for a very belated lunch.
That all went well.Nice students ,only two.Last time there were five of 'em.
Same sorts of questions and they said I was very helpful.They took copious notes :)
My GP came in about half way through to see how it was going and I had a chat with him afterwards which was good really because the surgery was shut for training so I got a sort of buckshee appt .He's changed my pain medication and he's going to liaise with the nurse re my leg. Got an appt with the hospital today but not until 3rd May.
Lol're right there Robinia ....Yabba Dabba Doo.

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Well done shaney. In the late 60s I was in the Elizabeth Garret Anderson hospital for woman and had 8 students peering you know where and asking loads of questions. I could only explain the symptoms not what it looked like, it was pre cancer and I had one of the first laser treatments, was awful for a while after, but did the job apparently !
Hello all, especially Jude who I missed. When Dh was getting scanned probed and poked, his consultant said that one of the problems with all the new ways of looking at people was that they found things that they wouldn’t have found before. This is good if you know about what you are looking at but much of what they find is probably harmless anomaly which people can have had forever.
My friend down the road has got a noise. Gas say its electricity, electricity says its gas, both say it might be water, her sons can’t hear anything. Its so flaming cold here...or maybe its me.
Nice and warm here. I have just sold a trunkful of LPs to a vinyl specialist, for almost exactly what they cost 50 years ago. Who needs inflation. One was
Let It Bleed, with the cake on the cover by Delia, who was apparently a jobbing baker at the time.
I have this thing where between about 8pm and 10pm I get can set your watch by it.....very strange.
We had that LP Jno, no idea what happened to it.
That's a result for you Jno .Will he sell them on and make mega bucks though.
I'm glad someone is warm somewhere 'cos it's bloomin' cold here .
Just watched the Pompeii programme ,it was very interesting .MB as informative as ever despite her hair. I had to laugh on that thread,there are one or two on there about whom my mother would have said that self praise is no recommendation:)
That's cosmic ordering Woofy .They told me this afternoon that my one bent finger, which I cannot straighten, isn't bent from the arthritic nodes that I have in my fingers but from something else, the name of which I didn't catch.
I was reading the notice board while I was waiting and was shocked to see how much it costs for non attendance .One month it was in the region of 40 grand. That's shocking .Why can't people cancel and not just not turn up.Tut...I'd fine them
Oh well to bed as am back there again in the morning ...Sleep toight all.
shaney they have that up at my docs too....apparently the biggest cause of no shows this winter was children not being brought in for their booked flu vac appointments.
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Type Your Answer Here...Morning all from sunny spain, am still in bed so no idea if it is warm outside.
Shaney have you got Dupuytrens contracture on your finger? I have in on both ring fingers but only have a couple of lumps at based of fingers, they said maybe one day it would make my first gers stick down and then they would have to operate, but I have no affect at all thank heavens.
I have loads of old LPs wish I could sell them, they are in a big plastic box in the laundry room, but can't just chuck them, too many memories!
Hija's last day of driving lectures. She popped into a cake,shop on her way home last night and they gave me quite a few freebies as they were closing for the night. One was. Huge layered things with nuts and chocolate and like pancakes in between, gorgeous and not sweet!
Morning all
Awful wet and windy night here but it's cleared up now and is quite bright out there but cold.
I don't think that's what it is Neti .It was a funny word beginning with an M I think. It's not painful or anything and it's been bent like that for years .It's another one of these medical mysteries.
Just going to have some brekkie than I'm off to the surgery.I seem to spend my life life drifting back and forth from there lately.
What I need is some of your cake :)

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