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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Rather cloudy today, so we went to friends' home for lunch, a big modern house with vast windows looking out over the bay. Our host donned his Mind My Sausage apron and threw some steaks on the barbie and got out a nice red wine. Hostess has a room she mostly uses for doing her colouring books, which are lovely. This is the sort of retirement I wanted but it hasn't all worked out.
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Morning all, I was pleasantly surprised by Dr Thorne, enjoyed it.
Am still in bed cba to get up atm.
I am thinking of going to bed myself.
good morning all. Jno, life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans. Tis cold and bright here.
Morning all .
No chance of any barbies on the beach here today.
It's bright but cold .
Morning.. oooh that looks a bit grim shaney, it's very sunny but very frozen here.

Yes, Midwife was very sad. After that I didn't fancy Dr Thorne either so I listened to some lively northern soul to cheer myself up.

That all sounds very idyllic jno.
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Its grim oop north
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We've had sun and we've had rain.
Sitting having a lonely coffee as hija still asleep and gbf winging his way to UK for a funeral.
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The lane in front of us leading to our entrance passage is blocked both ends as tomorrow they are tarmacking it. I was allowed to remove the cones so I could drive out and back in. Tomorrow Mr N has to take hija to airport at 8am and no idea if he can get in and out!
Snow all gone now and it's been sleeting but brightend up a bit now .
Went and got my wig tidied up .My brother took me there and back.I could walk it but he offered so I let him run me about.It keeps him busy and he likes to feel useful.

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My wig needs sorting but no matter who I go to or how much I pay there,is only one elusive Chinese man who can do it properly and he's rarely here!
I have just had an email from Tripadvisor, in French, congratulating me on posting my first review, on Paris Bar Crawl.

Félicitations! Vous Venez de recevoir le badge suivant: badge Nouveau contributeur.

I wonder if I've been sleep-posting? I'd like to think if I'd been on a Paris bar crawl I'd at least remember it.
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Morning all.
Yes jno with tripadvisor I've been posting good reports about a taverna in Greece, never been to Greece! Very untrustworthy!
Mr N took hija very early to the airport as the main road gets jammed, so much traffic for such a small island. Anyway she's on plane now.
Also peeing down with rain just as I've got her bedding in washer!
Am looking forward to trying to leave my house a bit later in all this mud and machines and tar, should be interesting!
Morning...oooh, I love the smell of tar but I don't think it's as strong as it used to be. The only smell here is of wet gardens again, it's a miserable grey one, unlike yesterday, it was lovely and felt good to get some fresh air.

I'd better get togged up and crawl to the shops ....again....I forgot something yesterday. I can review my experience later in jno's name.
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I love eating soft tar so half the road will be gone as soon as its laid.
Sitting all on my own outside the cafe, it is freezing and so wet.
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But standards must be maintained. I'll be ill in bed tomorrow at this rate!
Eat tar? Something you haven't told us neti?
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I just love the taste of it, when they were resurfacing the North circular road in Hendon in the hot summer of1968, I didn't wear shoes, and it was bl. ..... hot crossing it but had to stop a couple of times to scrape my nails on it and eat it.
Strange? Nah.
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I think it's called a pica, I have several of them!
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I've given in and put the fire on at least 4 hrs early, but so cold. Hija is in Cuenca where it is snowing and she only took light clothes .

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