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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Sis is back for Easter Jude...she more or less commutes!!
Brilliant. Night night!!
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Good morning and Happy Mothers Day where appropriate. Its not here until Mayjuse that the same phone I bought Mr N for Xmas. My lively Samsung packed up and hija never gave me the receipt as it was only 5 months old. Ii bought a Spanish make BQ Aquarius 6" screen with dual sim and I love it.
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Tell me in Casualty what happened to the black chap who was going to marry Adele Effanga. He used to assist Mr Self?
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Well I only hope you lot can decipher my posts!
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Last night I also watched Lady in the Van, great film.
Good morning all. I liked Lady in The Van too Neti. The friend I went with fell asleep. :-)
Your new phone sounds like one I couldn't cope with. You're mo technically able than me.
Having a rest day today doing the Express Skeleton Crossword. Well trying. The going to watch The Davis Cup on Telly.

Good morning, am lounging around drinking that’s about all really.
Morning/afternoon...happy mother's day where it applies, or should I say merry christmas? Feels more like it, we had a snow shower earlier. Ozzy's busy building a pool house...tut...nothing like rubbing it in. He says he'll call me later, he warns me because he knows I don't answer international calls and sometimes his number doesn't show on the display.
Tarquin & sons came yesterday and brought their beach house with them, haha...motorhome. He was taking it for a spin because it's been sitting on the drive for months. Moondust chats nonstop now, he's hilarious. You can't tell him that anything you don't want him to mess with is broken (computer for example) because he says he can fix it. I caught him trying to get the batteries out of a torch because that's what he'd decided the 'puter' needed. :)

Neti, you mean Holby? Jesse Law's been back this yr in a couple of episodes (in theatre but I don't recall seeing a lot of him). He's due to be in this Tuesday's episode. I'm not keen on Morven, I wonder if it'll work out with Arthur?

Hope you're all ok and not throwing your posh crocks at the wall :)
ok but cold and my back aches.....shouldn’t have gone crazy on the furniture moving yesterday :(
I use melamine for day to day crocks. less risk of doggy accidents if I leave my sarnie within reach and they damage the walls less.
Hello all
Cold and dull.What's new.
Happy Mothers Day .Mums just have to keep on mumming and sons keep on giving you Amazon vouchers,which I've already spent :)
Hope you're all fine and dandy.I'm not fine or dandy but I live in hope.
Moondust sounds great. He'll soon be fixing things round the house Robinia :)
My algia's flared up again tbis past couple of days.

Lol shaney, I hope he progresses with his fixing it. I did ask him if he'd like to get the vac out and clean up and he said yes. He found a little sponge and went round polishing things...including some cash. Haha. Better change his name to Mr Sheen. :)
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Yes Robi it is Holby and that is he, but I must be very confused. I only started watching it a while ago and thought, that Jesse was going to marry Mo's sister who was beaten up because their father was up to no good, I'm sure there was an engagement do although Adele wasn't well. Zosia was kissing some other white bloke so I have no idea what I think I've been watching !!! I love Hanssen and adore Sasha Levy, am I strange??
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Have just caught up in wiki and yes I am right, although have no idea where Jesse has gone!
Are you trailing behind in Holby neti, I suppose everything's slower in Ibiza.
Zosia's with Oliver Valentine now. No, you're not strange, I love Hanssen, I would, he's a sarky stikman :) He's lovely in real life. ...and Sasha's kind and cuddly. I wish I looked like Zosia, she's beautiful.
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Yes that's cleared it up now, and no we get it the same time as UK just an hour later cos we are an hour later! Off to watch midwife.
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I just cried at the midwife, loved Sister Evangeline!
Yes ,it was a real tear jerker Neti.
There were some good one liners tonight ..I don't think they've heard of foundation garments in Australia
Dr Thorne was good too,good cast.I see Sid, out of Father Brown is in it as the vicar. I love a costume drama.
Night all.

I actually went and checked if Pam Ferris had had a stroke she played it so well.
I don’t fancy Dr Thorne.

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