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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Mornin'...sunny and cold, looks like it's going to be a nice day.
Apparently there's a lot of hacking going on with FB (so what's new?). I don't do much on there, no info about me and only my very immediate family as friends and I belong to one group, old home town, we have some good laughs.
Morning all
Nice and bright now the fog's lifted.Cold though.I'm busy doing nothing.
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I only have friends and family and woofy, jude and lottie on FB, I never accept friend requests from anyone else.
Got fed up with Mr N hogging the bedroom tv so I showered and went into front room for brekkie and a bit of my telly, then he comes lumping in, so I've come back to bed. How much of George Osborne Osborne can one take?
ooooh, don't get me started on Osborne, I keep clear of political stuff on, what was that word? Backpfeifengesicht? :)
I like Sunday Brunch on channel 4.
Oh yes,Osborne is on my list of faces that need a slap :)
I don't condone violence as a rule ...but ....
...98...99...100...that'll do for now :)
good morning all. I have got my own family and a few special friends on FB and that’s it. The other thing I never do is give games access to my friends list.
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Just got back from a lovely family lunch, with lots of laughter and no moaning. Hija can scoff for Britain. Had paella and salad and bread and alioli and 2 bottles of wine and lemonade and desserts.
We went to a popular hippie market and I found the exact pair of boots I've been looking for but couldn't afford, right size and never worn, only 10€, so pleased, and Mr N bought a very nice handmade solid leather belt, as the ones in the shops here are crap.
Nice day, now in bed keeping warm, hija off out again!
Hi all. Busy weekend for me. Under sixteens football yesterday and front grass cut and general tidying up of the front garden and today a mini Spring clean if upstairs. Then the back garden. Not cut the grasses their yet just sorting out things in general. Won't mention The Rams.
I'm on FB but I keep as private as I can and restrict loads of things.
I dislike talking politics too. Gave Osbourne a few slaps earlier
I think your bro was on Antiques Roadshow tonight Neti. There were a lot of things from India including really fancy cupboards Jewelly and silver objects.
Off to bed now - town tomorrow to collect my cheap specs from spec savers.
Going to the library as well to see if I can find a book of Philip Larkin Poetry. Then when I get home and if the sun has dried the back grass a bit more I shall cut it.
Have a good night all.
There not their booooo!
Am just at the stage now in house tidying where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and quite a lot of carpet. Just as well really, might have to put the torts in the spare room if the weather doesn’t improve.
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Morning all, you all sound very industrious .
I can hear the road machines, just hope I can get out later.
Hair is a complete mess, it got too long for spiky style so am trying to tame it down again! Must hunt down a hairdresser who can,!
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Yes jude i saw Ronnie last night but his voice sounded a tad different, not so nasal!
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I watched Thirteen last night, a bit confused as I missed pt 1 but loved it. Am downloading pt 1.
Morning's bright but very cold at the moment. I'm up to date with the laundry but I'm sure I can conjure some up. I've got some new towels to wash just in case I ever get the bathroom decorated.

Well done woofy, I'm at the stage in house tidying where I can see several thickets beyond this small clearing.
Robi, its taken me nearly five years!
Morning all
Nice and bright but chilly.
That's very virtuous of you Woofy .House tidying,in fact house anything isn't very high on my agenda lately.I can just about manage the basics.
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My house looks tidy (well it does when hija isn't here!) and if you don't look too high up it is dust free, that's it.
Well it looks lovely out there but that wind is freezing. I wish I'd worn a coat with a hood.

That's given me hope woofy...1 year done, only 4 more to go then. :-/

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