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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
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Jolly cold here. Hair a disaster again. Will rearrange it when I get home.'s grey, cold and miz here and looks like more of the same for the next three days.

Oh dear shaney, it's good they've finally sent an appt but another three weeks? Pack a flask and some srdn butties and go and sit in the clinic every day in case someone doesn't turn up :)

Neti you'll have to get a hairneti.

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3 weeks isn't bad, I've been waiting since November for nose specialist and still nothing on the horizon.
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I look like an American GI!!
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Noooooo !!
Tis indeed sorted, have coloured the roots and then the rest, beige blond, and now it's dry, it's almost OK, at least I can go out! Had eyebrows tinted mainly for definition, but by golly she stained all my forehead just when hair is sticking up and couldn't cover it, that's is also sorted! Why oh why do I bother? Truth is years ago when I started to go grey I looked really really awful, just didn't suit me, so started colouring it Ash blonde and was fine, but now the front is naturally white, ash blonde comes out blue and it also look horrendous! Woe is me!! Old woman Blues!!!!
I don't know what the heck to to do with my hair, I've been growing my colour out and I don't like being grey either. When you don't know what to do, do nowt. Someone will come along who can make me look fabulous, I have faith :) My sis has gone grey after years of dying hers dark but it looks ok on her.
Denim hair Robi

I would have it done like a shot except My hair would fall out, what there is left of it.
cold and grey here :(
Oh well I've had tour round the surgeries this morning .My brother took me for my appt and I then I went with him for his appt.It's like the blind leading the blind :)Same old and back next Thursday.
We're going to take my stuff to the hospice shop tomorrow and then I'll treat him to a breakfast.
My hair is that steely grey although it's still dark underneath so I have high and low lights to blend it all in .It is a faff though.
Really mizz drizz hair frizz out there .
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My hair is like my stomach, tough as old boots. Can do anything with it, but not many hairdressers can handle it.
How is your bro Shaney bless him.
He's not too bad thank you Neti.We get a few blips especially when he sees someone he hasn't seen for a while and they ask him where his wife is .
I can walk to the surgery really but he insists on taking me so I let him as it gives him something to do. He's dog sitting over at my nephews this afternoon then he'll have his dinner with them.
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Poor man so sad.'s not my hair I should worry about, it's my airhead. Sat sitting here and realised I couldn't smell my dinner/tea cooking...I hadn't put it in the oven.
Very dark tonight, it's been a thoroughly miserable day.
Love the denim hair btw but it's too dark for me.
When I was going grey I had high lights and then when it got worse I had low lights til I eventually gave up and it is now heading towards white. It used to bother me but not any more.
Talking about appointments I'm still waiting for my wrist job appointment but I'm not complaining they did say 2 or 3 months.
Haven't done a deal today but I am knitting a pair of socks. You didn't know I could knit them did you. Ha!Ha! Fuschia knits them quite a lot, among other things, for her family. It only takes a couple of days for 1 which is good cos then I don't get bored.
Going to watch Sport relief tonight it looks like it may be a bit of a laugh.
I don’t worry about the colour of mine...
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If the rest of my hair went the lovely white colour that the front is I'd better really happy, but it seems darker, and I was never dark, how's that then?
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Mr N came home with three British easter eggs ( don't like Spanish chocolate ), now the Munchies one has disappeared into hija's bedroom, I have eaten half of the Mint chocolate one and Mr N'suggested is still still standing. I feel sick now!
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Oh a little bit of Luther!

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