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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
It was very good .I was convinced it wasn't that lad but it was. It's certainly set the scene for the new series.
Lol Neti .I need to find a hunky workman to carry me back and forth to the High St.I have visions of him slinging you over his shoulder and shouting Ole..!
It never really got going here today weatherwise and neither did I.
Noight all.
Well.... I was wrung out and exhausted just watching that, how they must feel acting it I've no idea. Sarah's so good you can see what she's thinking. Big round of applause for all of them.

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Good morning all
I didn't want it to be the lad but there was no reason for it not to be.
But why didn't they stop the traffic under the bridge, then he would only have broken something, that was silly. And the way she was looking at grandson, wondering if!!! Absolutely excellent.
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Can't hear any workmen or machines so maybe they have finished but I doubt it.
Morning all...bright n breezy, the weather that is, I feel like I've fallen off a bridge.
can't hear any machines either, namely mowing machines. He'd better turn up.

a cold and grey start here but lovely now. plan is to get the shed ready for the torts, test lights and heaters and so on as I think any day now....
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Just been out for coffee and a long walk to the church on the hill, Puig den missatge. Love looking at the graves in the walls.
Then we bought some cakes in a cake shop and then discovered a new Dutch mini mart which sells delicious coffee Jap type cakes which I simply adore so had to have one, it was paradise.
Are you still celebrating jno's birthday neti?

Mower man turned up at 11.30. How long has that been 10ish? Must be Spanglish time. Anyway it looks better now, not too short for the first cut.
Need my barnet chopped next.
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I'll cebrate jno's birthday all the time I can eat cake!!
Good evening. I've just watched the last Happy Valley and read your last few posts and I think you all watched it too. Was your comment about a bridge referring to it Rob ;-)
Been to school today and really enjoyed myself. It's gives me a satisfaction that I'm doing something worthwhile now I've retired from going out to work like I did. Then I went and bought some grass seed to boost my lawns round the back. Nothing special but it might just look a bit better.
Feel tired now and nothing's on the box to watch so guess where I'm off to.
Goodnight all sleep tight.
I did some more junk removal and set up the shed for the torts. I opened their boxes to check on them but they said turn that light off and beggar off so I guess they aren’t ready to get up yet. Oight oight all
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Good morning biddies.
Seems like a nice day, think I'd better wash the bedding.
I've read that over 4m expats are taking Cameron to court re not having the Brexit vote, I suppose I am one of them, they are all panicking, I cba, if the worse comes to the worse well apply for Spanish nationality, we've been here long enough. If this happens will you allow a foreigner on here and will you understand me?
Morning...dull and chilly.
"will you understand me?"....neti, will we notice the difference? :)

Well BT finally got my bill correct. The lotto machine didn't get the numbers correct.
I see George's got a line up of people waiting to slap him.
Morning all
Nice bright day again ,stilly chilly with that easterly breeze though.
We made it south of the border yesterday and did some shopping.
I'm sure we'll still understand you Neti,we've been managing for years now :)
The budget had no effect on me at all.I don't drive,don't drink sugary drinks and frozen alcohol is out of the question atm.
bright and cold here. The increase in the tax allowance will be a help.
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Lovely day here I did ba to wash the bedding. Had coffee with women friends talked about funerals etc (as you do at our age! !!)
Couldn't resist and bought myself another coffee Jap, ,they asked if I was Dutch?
Well yes there is that Woofy but by the time it kicks in council tax will have gone up (round here anyway) insurance premiums will go up along with other stuff so some are no better off really.
I'm giving him a good slap anyway :)
Lol Neti ,did you have your clogs on ?

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No shaney, but am " clogging" up my innards eating all this rubbish!
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Good morning biddies. Arm off to have hair punked hopefully. Dreading it now.
Morning all
Not such a nice day today ,cloudy and cold after the lovely sunshine yesterday.
I'm off to the nurse later.Got an appt for the three weeks time :(

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