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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
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I me a very nice beef stew and made fluffy dumplings using (do you know I don't know what you call it) it's like baking powder, we call it levadura. They were really light.
Good morning readers...cold and grey and so is the weather.

neti, computer say levadura is yeast...did they push the lid off your pan like Paddington bear's did. Haha...I used to watch that when the boys were little and some of the stories stuck in my mind. Such a shame I can't remember anything intelligent.

good morning all its cooooooold here
I have probably posted this before but its appropriate and kind of comforting
The Trees by Philip Larkin

The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.

Is it that they are born again
And we grow old? No, they die too.
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.

Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In fullgrown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.
Hello all
Cold and chilly here too.Can't make its mind up ,brightens up then drizzles.
Been to Lowestoft with my brother ,and dropped all the stuff off then we had a nice cooked brekkie in The Pantry and did a bit of shopping in Lidl and Morrisons.Bought some bits for Easter.Leg of lamb and chocs .
I wish I could begin afresh with a new body:)
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Morning all.
thanks wasn't yeast as I know it, it's very fine white powder.
Done the shopping had brekkie out, I hadon't a coffee with gbf. Cleaned house,,they have both gone out, relief, having the house to myself, as it's so small. Lovely sunny day.
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Paracetamol is officially useless for pain relief with arthritis, so that's that then, with all this smell of marijuana around the house, I shall be on the weed, and not feeling a thing!!
My day is made.... the Rams beat Nottingham Forest 1 - 0.... Walked there and back and when I got home I sat on the sofa with a coffee and then fell asleep. I'm still reading my Philip Larkin book of poems Woofy finding it a good read even if I don't understand all of it. It's good working out what he is saying. So in my way I'm enjoying it.
I think “understanding” poetry is overrated. I like poetry that makes me feel good :)
hav been struggling and swearing at the computer today. I have got a webcam set up to watch my birdfeeders because I tend to sit with my back to them. The cam disconnected itself and wouldn’t play so today i finally sorted it
Hello all, thank you for the birthday greetings. Just had three gorgeous days at the beach with dolphins swimming by when I was in the water, followed by the storm of the century, which locals said was the worst in 40 years. The beach is covered in debris, mostly pine needles and cones washed down from the hill where they've been logging, and the torrents have scoured away great swaths of sand. It eased off a bit but is still windy and choppy so have returned to the city and wifi.
Morning and hello jno. I'm pleased one of us is warm but if you don't stop rubbing it in you might be swimming with some angry snappers when you get back. Stay safe in the stormy weather.

Today's News - None

Weather - It's the first day of spring (ie cold and dull)

Homestyle -Pinterest want me to 'Take a break from biege' (their spelling)

Knitting -

Live from Derby - I do webcams big time stylie woofy :)

Morning all
Spring is sprung the grass is riz
But out there it's the same miz driz .
Nice to see you Jno,send some warmer weather in this direction please.
Lol..I love that pattern.Shame I haven't got a little pooch to knit it for.
No other news here .Same old aches and pains.
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Morning all.
Love the Panda cam, not too enthused with Robi's effort!!
Hija is defo back, she went out for lunch yesterday and arrived back about 5pm slightly dizzy ahem, then out again at 8pm and came back at 9.30pm very dizzy, she was supposed to go out for dinner at 10.30pm (it is Spain remember that's why it is so late) but when her friends called she was out for the count in full makeup and clothes.
But today she was up with the birdies and has gone to help build a kiddies playground, with a bbq to follow. Oh to be young!
We are hopefully off to try a new Thai restaurant for lunch in San Miguel.
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we have a very sad webcam run by a German Magazine who actually bother, no one else does, but I cannot link it to here, it overlooks the beach and promenade.
The pandas are lovely...
Well I do apologise neti, after all that effort I went to scrambling up the cathedral. There's no pleasing some people. The peregrines seem to have gone out shopping, there'll be eggs soon... hopefully.

Newsflash...Unexpected sunshine and blue skies. Experts are monitoring the situation.
Here you are can have a look round Gorleston.
That's lovely shaney. Nifty bit of kit you've got there, you kept that quiet. Have you been spying on all of us with that. :)
Neti, you'd better keep your cozzy on in the pool this summer....
Blimey Shaney. Years since I was there. Lovely. I'm still doing the Skeleton too Shaney and today I almost finished it 3 clues to go. Hope your watching Brian and you can give me a clue ;-)
The sun did come out here and washing is blowing in the breeze (wind) at last instead of upstairs on the racks.
Love to see the peregrines Robi. Sometimes see one in real life when down by the cathedral.
Still reading Larkin Woofy. I see what you mean about understanding it but I'm going to give it a whirl. I had to do the same with Shakespeare but I have a book of his works calledEssential Shakespeare Handbook which helps a lot. Steadier bought us for me.
Enjoy your Tai meal Neti. I've never been to one so tell us what you had.
Hi Jno pleased you're enjoying yourself. I have no idea where you are but it sounds good.

I'm off out later to my nephew's it's his birthday today. His wife bakes lovely cake.
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Back from the most delicious Thai meal ever, the poor femal chefs just cook constantly and one was so pregnant but happy and smiling. We got the last table at 1.15 right by the kitchen window which was fascinating. Never tasted food link it. We had minced chicken and prawn patties about the size of a 50 piece with the most delicious sweet peanut sauce. Then we had yello chicken curry with sticky rice, and pad Thai noodles with prawns, washed down with a bottle of Rose wine. Now nice and snuggled in front room in the warm as it got dark and miz.
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That's a good web came shaney really clear!

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