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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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Morning..just another quick visit, I'm hopping mad. BT are showing I'm using big chunks of broadband and I'm not!! It's so they can charge you for going over & apparently I'm not alone with this complaint...very very bad decision I made to go with them.

It's showing as I used a lot yesterday when apart from a quick hello to you I was out all day with my sister!! grrrrrrr....

I'll have to look into this, I will be back....I hope.

Hope you're all as well as you can be...

Have been out and about for a couple of days looking at Woodburners, but have also been suffering from some sort of bug and running a temperature, etc. Am feeling a bit better and am having a lazy day, hoping to be OK for my meeting with friends in Norwich tomorrow.

Lovely photos Nets. You are very photogenic.

Robinia, I know just how exasperating it is dealing with telephone/broadband providers, been there, seen the film, worn the T-shirt and still not satisfied. To be honest I think they are all as bad as each other!!! Good luck!!!!

Phone 'em up and tell them you will be taking your business elsewhere Robinia, unless they sort it pronto .Thump on their desk :)
Or would you like me to phone them ...hahaa.
Hope you get it sorted out .It must be annoying but I don't think you're alone .
Couple of threads on it

Hope you folks are all OK otherwise .Lovely day here again .Bright and sunny .
Just back from strolling along the prom prom prom, diddliy omp pom pom. Fanstastically sunny and warm, so I have to enjoy it I suppose.

Laptop is playing up, will have to sort it in Ibiza now. Our broadband at home is very slow costs a fortune, and is almost impossible to cancel without lawyers, so we suffer with it!

To all of you who are staying in, going out, or meeting friends tomorrow, have a good day (this is in case my lappy packs up) But I'll still be here tomorrow although I'll be very lonely.
Just been messing about on Gravatar to change my piccie to get it on my new 'you know what'..and after about half an hour have finally done it...Must wash a mountain of pots...laters 'gaters x
just whizzing through fresh from the sunny Adriatic - our yacht (more of a tiny ferry-type thing than a real yacht) stopped in little bays every day and we could jump in and swim, then we'd go to some lovely town for the rest of the day

Found a couple of wonderful restaurants doing tapas-stylee things, though the rest of the cooking went for quantity rather than quality.

Worked on my tan

Best wishes to all, those going through trying times and those just going through the Baileys. I'll probably be busy for a day or three sorting out my photos.
The picture is of Tarr Steps in Zumerzet!!
cooeee, waves to jno!
Yoohoo Jno .Nice to see you back in the Biddyfold ..Sounds as if you had a lovely time .Looking forward to your piccies :)
Hi Jno...I wasn't ignoring your post...Lovely piccies. Sounds like a good place to go. Looking forward to your photos.
Just wanted to say thank you for your quiet support. We are okay....better now he is home. I am reading the thread, its a lovely oasis of normality. I grew asparagus peas this year then googled to find how to cook them and find they are disgusting!! my tomatoes have all rotted and my pumpkins came to nothing....the spuds are good though and I have one pear....result! Lovely holiday photos.
Hello woofie, well your gardening is 100% better than mine!!
Just called in to say goodnight Everybiddy.
Thanks Woofy for saying hello. I'm thinking about you and DH Everyday.
See you all tomorrow. Have a peaceful night. X
Lovely to see you Woofy .KBO old girl Home is best ..Always in my thoughts,take care you two xxx

Just watched Downton .
Maggie Smith is a class act .
" Amputations in the dining room ,recsusitations in the pantry ,I forbid it " Brilliant .
I liked the bit where Lady Sybil wanted to drive a tractor and she said
"Your a lady ,not Toad of Toad Hall ".
Have to agree shaney, it is a good programme.

Night everybody,

Love to woofies xxx
Night night Neti .
Sleep tight everyone .
Question Author
Morning all...just squeezing in with a budget post, mite av 2 do txt spk, haha...if I'm really careful they'll have nowt to charge me for, but at worst I'll have an extra fiver to pay. I don't know what they're up to but last week the useage monitor was down for 'maintenance'..yeh, jiggery pokery more like. Thanks so much for those links shaney, the brief googling I did found lots of complaints. (Thing is I'm on a contract for 18 months!! grrr)

Anyway in the grand scheme of things it doesn't's lovely to see you in here woofy, not sure it's exactly 'normal' though. I've grown lovely toms in the past but haven't done any produce this year...enjoy that pear! :o)

And welcome home to you too jno, sounds like you're all refreshed. Isn't Croatia the place that's full of health spas?

Hello to everyone least it looks like a better day, yesterday was a bloomin washout... But no matter because I spent most of it watching my new tv (my sister made me buy it :o)). It's not the 50" 3D one that the lovely assistant steered us towards but I can see everyone's wrinkles on this one, oh joy, they're not all perfect out there.

Well I dropped a pr of black bloomers on the bathroom floor this morning & when I picked them up they were piebald...time to clean maybe?

'Toad of toad hall' ...haha, that was brilliant.
Hello empty biddythread.

Been busy seeing bro and sis telling him of her illness. I have a rash on my ankles which is swelling up. I haven't worn the jeans again so thought it was the black primark socks but have worn them since, so no idea.

Have spoken to three friends who are out having lunch and it sounded very raucous, tut, standards must be mainained gels!!
*have NOT worn them* should be.
I spoke to this woman in Eastbourne today :)
Thank you so much Neti for the lovely present .Very kind and thoughtful of you xx
Yes a good time was had by all ,lovely lunch and we maintained our standards as we said our prayers round the cathedral until we got to the pub :).
Boy do me pins and feet ache now though .
Hope everyone's OK especially our Woofy .
Be good .Toodlepip for now .

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