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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
Good day's very fresh today, the sun's now shining & the washing's a-flappin', I might potter later...or I might watch the tennis :o)

Heaven knows what will be installed on my comp when T brings it back Jude, I bet it's had quite a shock with him whizzing round it at breakneck speed, it's more used to me plonking slowly around the interweb.

I like the predictive thingy too except when I think I'm clicking the correct option & it does the one above, tut. My most common smelling pistake is everone instead of everyone.

Hope all rumbly tumblys and other ailments are better erm, what's the best remedy for wind? Just asking for a friend... in know... :o)
It gets on my wick big time Neti .I've tried to turn it off with that url and changed the setting but it comes back with a vengeance after a few searches .I've just typed something in and it keeps saying ...Do you mean so and so ? No I don't damn you .I mean exactly what I've typed !
Quite warm here . .No rain today so far and that drop yesterday hasn't done any good really .
Hope everyone is OK .
oh dear, I have emailed rellies in Christchurch as it seems their town is shaking again - magnitude 6 this time, and it's just the aftershock of an aftershock. I hope they're all ok. People must be getting scared to go to bed at night.
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I know jno, it's awful for the poor people.
I'm back, the box with my friends in it has returned! All fixed, tweaked, updated & shuffled about. My desktop was like the phrase or saying game on the London Palladium but I've put it all back the way I like it :o)...the bad news isit's reeeaaallly slow but only on this site, is it for everyone?
Lol Robinia's Ok with me ,.
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God's love be with you...

Open the box as Michael Miles used to say :)

That's very scary Jno .We moan about our climate but living with the threat of earthquakes is not nice .i hope your rellies are OK .
Hello all. have spent today convalescing. I sat up for quite a while last night in case Dh got worse but all is getting better today so we have just sat around and watched loads of daytime TV.
Hi, tired today. IBS playing up, either that or hernia is playing up, or both are playing up. I feel very below par and the muggy weather isn't helping. Man measured windows this morning and I had lunch with my friend who lives in Spain and is back this week and then we sat outside the local bistro for an hour or so.

Bathroom has dried out.

Off to doctors in the morning for test results and am very nervous.
Evening all. Sorry to hear you're feeling really off it Lottie. I always say that if the bloods show something serious they would have got in touch before now. Mind you, I do understand your nervousness as I'm the same but I just keep consoling myself by saying that. I think I will go on Wednesday for mine if I haven't heard anything before. Hope everybody else is recovering from all aches and pains.

I've been to school today and had to miss the final of the tennis. All I saw were the first 2 games and can I find the highlights anywhere - NO!! If anyone has any ideas then please let me know.
I'm really tired now, I was awake at 5 and got up at 6 and I seem to have been on the go all day. I'm off to Tai Chi tomorrow then for lunch as usual with my friends.

I hope your relatives are alright in NZ Jno. I know my niece doesn't live near Christchurch but it's still a worry for all the family over here. You must be really concerned.

Robi I don't like anyone messing about with my Lap top even though they know far more than I ever will. I missed it when I had to take it to CC Inks the other day, but they did a good job. When My Computer Man comes I don't let him take it away he just sits here and does what has to be done. I ask him loads of questions and then I write it all down in my little book of instructions that only I can understand :~)

I've been sorting my photos out of the Wedding and here is one of me all windswept. I don't mind it being on here as there are some of me on FB so I expect they're all over the place now.
Hope you like the outfit after all I said about it. I'm not very smiley but Hey! That's me!

See yer later 'gater(s)
nice outfit Jude, that jacket is look like you are having a good time too.
Lottie my doc does shout early if there is anything wrong with news is deffo good news. jno I hope your friends are all okay...very scarey time.
Hope the rest of you are ticking along...we are off to bed.
Thanks Woofy. Have a good night and hope you both feel better in the morning x
very smart, jude, I love that shade of red. It's not just for scarlet women.

Good luck with the tests, Lottie. Do you have to resit them over the holidays if you fail?
Jno you have to take a note in from your Mum.
You look lovely Jude .I love the jacket .Very swish :)
Hope you feel better soon Lofty and your tests all turn out well.Yours too Jude .
My doctor is a blood test fanatic .I often wonder what they actually do with all the blood they take from people after they've made all the various tests .Does anybody know ?

It's dreary and dull here now ,night clouds pulling in, although it did brighten up in the afternoon and I got my washing dry so I'm away to my bed to read my book, slurp tea and dunk toast .
Goodnight all .Sleep well .
ahhh, things are moving in here now....

oooh, lovely Jude, is that the bargain jacket you told us about? I saw the shoes in the shop on Friday and I'd like a pair myself but they'll have to be in the sale :o)...and btw....<peers closely>.... I don't recognise you.

Don't worry Lottie, your tests will be fine. :o)

lol shaney, I quite liked the alien communication. Tarquin informs me an iPad is the thing to have...I'll never keep up with all this technology, I've never even owned a toaster :o)
I didn't get your mail I'm afraid so if it's still in your sent list you'll have to resend or copy it onto a new one or, to be on the safe side, print it off & tie it to a pigeon :o)
Morning all....rumbly tums all gone and I have done me back...honestly you'd think Im Upstairs had it in for me.
Robi a mixture of colpermin and buscopan I find is the best thing for the windy rumbles.
I am deeply in love with my iPad but it doesn't do flash player which means that some websites don't work and I cant do the daily jigsaw puzzle on it.
Good morning Biddyfriends. Just a quick call to say thanks for the complements on my outfit. Hope the weather is as lovely for you all as it is here. All the best for test results etc.
Laters 'gaters.....
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Morning all jude that is a lovely photo, you look so nice and natural. Love the shoes and the outfit (although I do not wear dresses!)

Good luck all with your blood tests, anti-b''s, computers, and husbands! and uncle tom cobley and all!!

I was up at 7am to get hija off to work for her first day, then did the ironing at 8am andchanged the beds.
Morning Jude said 'tis a lovely one...washing's in which will add to the mile high ironing pile I've already got waiting in the wings :o(

woofy funnily enough I stood looking at colpermin tablets last week but I bought Colofac for pain, I've had those before and they help (sometimes)

It's Ozzy son's birthday today & he's complaining he now has it in 'winter' :o) I'm sure he's had colder ones here than their temperature today of 16C.
Think I'll buy a Eurolotto & if I win £67 million I might tempt him to come back.

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