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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
P>S> I hope you can see what mean about my plumber holding the baby up for me to see at the front door. It was a picture. Byeee!
And finally - Hope you all have a peaceful and good day.
so Jude has been too busy having a Life to spend all day on the internet. Cheek!

Good luck with blood tests. Lottie, are you maybe sleeping badly? That leaves me washed out when I wake up and not too keen to face the day, though I don't have anything I'd call panic attacks.
jno. I always sleep badly. I wake often and have awful nightmares and anxiety dreams. I am sure you are right. I wake up most morning feeling panicy and stressed. Not sure what I can do about it really. I will perhaps talk to the GP on Tuesday about it. I'll add it to the list!!
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Am sitting outside the eye theatre with hundreds of others waiting
That's where I was on Wednesday Neti. It was crowded out!!
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Home again with one eye patch, it didn't aft hurt, I was surprised! But I am the biddywimp!
An eye patch and invisible teeth!! Wooden leg next!!
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Arr jim me lad, that's what I though lottie. Neti the pirate!!
mm, yes

Maybe ditch the high heels except for stabbing people with
hello all having a quiet day here...lovely having my sis here but I do end up burning the candle at both ends so its nice to just do nowt for a while. Its coooooold here.
Hope everyone is on the mend...Neti you are starting to sound bionic. Got to pop to the shops...
Lottie, I have all sorts of odd dreams but taking a blanket off often works - when my body's too hot my brain goes wonky. (If I'm too cold I just wake up shivering.) Of course the temperature keeps changing during the night so what's fine at midnight wakes me at 5am.
No blankets to take off. I think snoring and flailing arms on the other side of the bed might be a problem, but I am such an anxious person that even my sleep is affected.

Good morning by the way. I went to bed in a huff at 10.00am, hence am up and about whilst the cause of my huff snores upstairs!!
Lottie I hope you went and hugged your Huff :-)
No chance!!

Believe it or not the huff was all over a plastic bucket!!
He is still asleep.

I have made bread, done the washing, hung it out, sorted out another wash, dealt with the dirty dishes and stuff I left last night, etc. etc. etc.

He stole my bucket!!
Actually went to bed at 10.00pm, not a.m.!!
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I understand lottie, it's how they are!

Am off to do the shopping with one tooth inserted, and one eye made up.

Mr N said he would do it on his own but he just wouldn't buy all the things I need, so I am trailing along.

Good morning
oh yes, I think CostCo may loom this morning. Love their oranges, which used to be the size of footballs and full of juice... but actually over the last year they've not been so good, and Morrisons are better. Also nervously wondering if I should buy steaks (theirs are very good) or if they're beyond the reach of my teeth.
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same here jno, no teeth, no meat.

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