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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Jno the Brits did years ago here, they mixed in and became Roman Centurions at the crucifixion , but not these days. My fiend was one of the 3 kings for years as she owned horses but these days they arrive in luxury decorated trailers, it's all gone to pot if you asked me. The Brits do their own thing, like Sept 24 th there's a 12 -00.00 nonstop music festival with 4 different stages on the beaches at Cala Lllonga. All proceeds go to helping children abroad to learn music and how to play instruments, that is all arranged by the Brits.
... Turns the page ...
hello all...fed up with having weather headaches but its cooler this evening.
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Good morning all. Phew house stank of cat but I think a stray got in and sprayed. Anyway I have tracked it down and scrubbed with bleach. Smells like a swimming pool now and that's way better!
Hope you all slept OK. Hija was not working so she wasbout all night, still is in fact. I aqokw at
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Its not me honest
Meant to say I woke at 2.30 as usual but went straight back to sleep. Was nice not having to worry.
Morning...bright but very fresh. Woofy I get more weather head/body aches when it's overcast. Those who say the weather doesn't affect health need to live inside our bodies.

Re the loft scratching I'm worried a circle will appear in the ceiling and some angry flea ridden critter will fall through. I've watched too many cartoons.

Nothing exciting to report unless you'd like a list of ingredients from last night's dinner. Actually I'm full of wind this morning. Tmi but you've been warned.
I never did get weather headaches until last year...i get more migraines too although thankfully still rare. i aqokw at 8 this morning feeling loads better so hopefully that means the end of the horrible heaviness.
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I am supposed to be going to Pacha flower power tonight\tomorrow! Hips are so achey but have bought a new headband in case.
Afternoon all
Will you be wearing the headband round your hips Neti :)
Lovely day here ,bright and breezy.
Very true that the weather affects how you feel .It never bothered me until I got these itises and algias.I really don't need Accu to tell me it's going to rain ,be humid etc. I can tell by the size of my swollen hands and other giant toothaches of the body.
Anyway hope you're all ok. Keep calm and eat chs and toms on tst.
Three cheers for British Gas.
I was just snipping round outside and noticed the drain was blocked
( yet again ) at the side .Couldn't clear it. Phoned BG and a man with a rod has just rung and will be here in half an hour .How's that for service!
Bracing 40 degrees in Córdoba,no wonder they specialise in leather, their skin must look like it. But they said it was 50 last week.
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I think Pacha is cancelled for me until 26th and I don't really mind. Hija has friends here ( who wanted us to go dancing) but they can't get it, so I told Hija to enjoy just being with them.
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It would cost them 595€ just to get in!! Not worth it.
blimey neti how much????? I have been computerless for most of the day getting sorted.....its like being in purdah.
Good grief, 500 odd quid to go to a nightclub.It used to ten bob in my day.
Put plenty of sun cream on then Jno ,we don't want you coming back looking like an old handbag :)
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A handbag!!
It is my day of rest by the pool, no more excursions, and lot the sky hath clouded over and the wind hath risen. Should be cooler than London today but I will cope, with the aid of some tinto de verano (sort of mini sangria). And it seems London is going to plummet from 90 today to 60 at the weekend?
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Good morning. That isnt 500€ each it was for 6. Although a small bottled beer is 20€ once inside!
Anyway haven't seen Hija since she left at 9pm on Sunday evening
She texts to let me know she's OK. Her friends have rented a villa with pool so she's there!
Had to get up to comfort the cat at 4am she wants someone to sit and stroke here else she yowls. Honestly.
Hope you all at least had a good night.
Not had any good nights here (though the days have been excellent) as the hotel beds are hard and my hips are screaming. When I get home I will pile topper pads six deep.
Morning all
Very stuffy here.Overcast and humid .
Yes, it's all over by the weekend Jno .Last gasp of summer.
Nothing doing here.I have no pool to sit by or nightclubs to go to so I'd better get on with pulling out my knitting 'cos I've gone wrong ..again.Shouldn't watch teevee while doing a pattern.
Hope you're all jogging along .
Where's our Jude lately ? Give us a wave Jude if you're looking in.

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