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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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bibblebub | 21:20 Wed 29th Sep 2010 | Site Suggestions
105 Answers
for a trial period of a few months (to begin with).

The consequences of the tribal associations and enmities that originate in CB affect the rest of the site because of the troll postings. Getting rid of CB might result in the loss of some regular contributors to other sites but you could gain more new users who are put off by the abusive/profane/stupid nonsense that appears on this site far too often. Once CB is gone the current system of reporting chatting would suffice.

Make this a proper Q&A site, reduce the social networking aspect.


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so you're throwing me out?
yep, goo on sling yer ook' ;)

oh and me? awww no fair :o
CB is Chatter Bank bb, with the emphasis being on Chatter, I am sorry you feel like this
Removing Chatterbankt he first time just meant people congregated elsewhere, usually in Body & Soul.
It wouldn't work bibblebub. People would only post in another category and the trolls would follow them.
They did get rid of it....B&S was invaded instead..
I hardly think this will solve the problem. The trolls will merely post under other topics. Being reported seems to be the least of their concerns.
and the moderating was slack! lots of people were chatting!
Tried that before and everyone went over to Body and soul. At least it keeps most of the trolls in one part and can be avoided if people dont like it
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the usual suspects
So sad that you dislike CB, B
Having been an AB member for 6+yrs you'll find it would just spill over onto another topic -like B & S before.
The only problems on CB which havent been so apparent in the years ive been here are the random 'Klown' posts.
There was always tiffs but loads of laughs as well -this is a new thing and i'm sure that the techies are trying to stay abreast of them -difficult with foreign middle east IPs I suspect which are ten a penny.
Lets just have a laugh and ignore them (im guilty as charged in that I would defend someone) but in the main surely it wouldnt be so difficult?
the usual suspects...

bibble.. you're not going to use the c word, are you? :o(
bibble, you've made a number of appearances of CB lately. Bit hypocritical isn't it?
Bibble would that mean we would never hear your dulcet tones again? Just because there are outbreaks of troll-fever you want the whole site to close?
<<<<Getting rid of CB might result in the loss of some regular contributors to other sites but you could gain more new users who are put off by the abusive/profane/stupid nonsense that appears on this site far too often. Once CB is gone the current system of reporting chatting would suffice>>>>>> Could you explain that ^^ How can they gain more new users. Besides who can I talk to while waiting to answer a crossword question ect.
hmm-several NoM.
Are you like me bibble -did you change your user name and start from scratch on your profile or have you been rattling around for as many years as I have lol?
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If CB were removed i wouldn't miss it for a second.

In the whole time I've been here , I've posted on CB far less times than most of you do in a single day.
And do you think AB advertisers would be happy about that??
what do you come here for, bibble?

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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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