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charity-baker47 | 15:11 Sat 12th Dec 2015 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Struggling with three. Please can someone help
9d Direct train set amid chaos (12) -d-i---t---e
17a Suppose that's the form (6) ---u-e
24a Business given a last shake-up by the sea (7) c---t-l


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1 administrate
15:13 Sat 12th Dec 2015
17a assume
24a coastal
1 administrate
9d.Administrate (anagram of train set amid)
24a.Coastal - co(business) + anagram of a last
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Thank you mallyh and dannyk13. Assume must be wrong for 17a as it doesn't fit with administrate. The letters for 17a are now -i-u-e
17a.Figure (double meaning)
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Thanks again

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