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Windows Xp System Restore

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poppysix | 10:30 Sun 21st May 2017 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi, need to use xp system restore but I cannot remember how to do it, I know there is a calender somewhere some of the pages display domain not found and it is very slow connecting
I bought the computer second hand. thanks


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Very risky using an XP computer as it is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Anyway to do System Restore (this is from the internet I don't have an XP PC to test it with):

Log on to Windows as Administrator.

Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. ...

On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.
If you are getting messages about "domain not found" then my guess is this computer was used in a work / business environment where they connected to a domain server.

But now of course u are using it away from the domain.

On the XP logon see if you can logon and NOT connect to the domain (so do a basic logon where you don't select the domain).

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