No i wouldn't, it's in my nature to be the negotiator, I can't let things like that go i am afraid, everyone does as they think fit, i would try to sort it out.
Hmmm sometimes it's better to stay out of it, that way you can't be accused of taking sides, especially when you know your best friend is right ;-) lol
Hmmm, difficult, because my best friend is my cousin. However, if he had a bust up with a particular member of my immediate family, I'd certainly take his side. If that bust up was with any of his immediate family (hence, still my family) - his mum or his brother or sister-in-law, then I'd def. stay out of it - I like them all too much to get involved.
Keep well out!! My sister and my friend haven't spoken to each other since January and I refuse to be dragged into there argument - I'm not going to take sides and want to stay friends with both of them.
There's was just a silly argument about a boyfriend and it escalated, they are both too alike and too stubborn to admit that either was wrong and they both blame the other. It's happened before & they didn't speak for about 4-5 years but then went back to being best friends again.
If you get involved you run the risk of losing a relationship with one of them.