In my experience the real problem for the homeless is not food, the homeless know where they can go for a free meal, every day. Most do a regular circuit so they get at least one hot meal, usually more.
Access to clean clothes, showers and warmth and shelter prove much more difficult.
There will always be homeless people, some people prefer to live 'off grid' and cannot conform to a conventional lifestyle for many reasons.
It would be nice if everyone who wants a permanent bed in a warm and safe environment could have such a place and use it as a springboard to their own home but I doubt it is possible.
Families are living in one room in hotels for many months which is totally unacceptable. No privacy, no cooking facilities, no storage space, no laundry facilities. Food becomes hugely expensive when you have to buy nearly everything ready to eat and keeping the kids in clean clothes cost a lot of money when you have nowhere to hang wet washing and only have a tiny sink. These are the people that should get priority to a home. I realise that a minority of these families are 'problem families', 'neighbours from hell' that have been evicted for bad behaviour and the parents will not recognise they are problematic. I don't know what can be done in these situations.
Hostels and shelters have to set rules, usually no drugs and no drunks for the safety and well being of staff, volunteers and clients. Those that are unwilling or unable to comply are left to their own devices. I don't know what the answer is for those people, either.