Crosswords1 min ago
Scrabble Word
6 Answers
Someone played the word QUO the other day---it wasn't allowed on the scrabble website,yet in a dictionary website ,it was there! Anyone explain please?
An explanation here from the guy who was runner-up in the 2014 World Scrabble Championship : https:// www. quora. com/ Why- isn% E2% 80% 99t-% E2% 80% 9Cquo% E2% 80% 9D- a- stand- alone- word- in- the- Scrabble- dictionary
22:01 Thu 28th Feb 2019
If you are playing by official rules then it needs to be an official Scrabble word.
https:/ /scrabb le.hasb en-us/t ools
An explanation here from the guy who was runner-up in the 2014 World Scrabble Championship:
https:/ /www.qu /Why-is n%E2%80 %99t-%E 2%80%9C quo%E2% 80%9D-a -stand- alone-w ord-in- the-Scr abble-d ictiona ry