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Simple Things

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jakep | 06:52 Sat 18th May 2019 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I’ve just been watching a House Sparrow feeding her two fledglings.
A Blackbird was foraging nearby.
Made me feel so much better than I was, uplifting :-)



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I'm just watching the little birds at the feeder, with 3 flippin pigeons waiting underneath.
What with the magpies, they are crapping all over my raised borders.
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Pigeons a real problem here too....and lots of ring necked parakeets!
Were you feeling a bit blue, this morning, Jakep?
Pigeons are the most intelligent birds of all.
Love sitting on my back doorstep watching the birds at the feeders. Have fledgling sparrows and blackies. Blue tits still in the nest box by the back door. Starlings have learned how to hang upside down on the fat balls and can empty the feeder very quickly. Bit annoying but hey, they too have young to feed. Pigeons can be a bit of a pest but tend just to sit on the ground and mop up what drops down. Not many of them either. Have never seen a magpie or a parakeet in Dundee though I do know magpies are a scourge in Glasgow. As my dad used to say - every creature has its place.
That sounds lovely Jakep, we have loads of pigeons and magpies here in Milton Keynes. We still get blackbirds and robins.
"Pigeons are the most intelligent birds of all."

If that's the case, when I'm driving toward them, why do they often just walk quickly out the road and risk death rather than fly away?
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Thank you for all your answers.
Yes Tilly, but they brought a smile, thank you.
Corby //why do they often just walk quickly out the road and risk death rather than fly away?//

Have you killed any? If the answer's 'no', then they ain't so stupid and have got you trained :0)
I was only thinking this yesterday, Jakep. Certainly, as you get older, its the simple things in life that give us so much pleasure. Appreciating all things nature, generally. Glad it's cheered you up! x

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