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Could This Be The New Man?

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ToraToraTora | 13:22 Thu 02nd Jan 2020 | News
44 Answers
I hope not he's one of the few in Labour that is not completely clueless.


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I've heard him speaking in the Commons, what a boring man! Labour are in a desperate state with the contenders that are coming forward, they will be in the wilderness for many years imo. I'm a former Labour voter and am one of those who 'lent' their vote to Boris, I will lend it to him again as well because I cannot vote for a Labour party that I do not recognise!
15:16 Thu 02nd Jan 2020
shoota ' 'Sir' Establishment would echo both US Houses, Lawyer Executives. '

What's that all about?////

Lawyers/attorneys occupying Senate and House.
I think "the new man" will probably be a woman so unless Sir Keir self-identifies as Lady Keir...
'Under his leadership, the CPS failed to ­prosecute the serial rapist John Worboys for 75 of his suspected crimes.

Warboys was convicted of attacks on 12 women in 2009 but the decision to limit prosecution to those cases led to him being recommended for early release.

It was Sir Keir Starmer’s CPS, too, that failed to prosecute Sir Jimmy Savile, below, in spite of evidence of his offending.

Starmer refused to prosecute two doctors caught on tape appearing to offer women abortions based on the gender of their unborn child – a clear breach of the law.

He said it wouldn’t be “in the public interest” – which presumably meant that he doesn’t like the law.'

Incompetence, but of a different kind to Jeremy's. The Labour Party moves on (to oblivion).
Toraaa --- "you seem to support them"

In what way ?

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