Can I suggest that however hurt and outraged you might be now is really not the time to punish him, now is the time for communication and if at all possible some manner of reconciliation so that you can be honest with one another and then make a clear and informed choice. You don't want to make any decisions about anything important on the back of feeling angry, hurt, vengeful and let down. This is the time for information gathering, brutal honesty and dissecting what went so badly wrong that this has happened (and other things).
If then you decide that things are too far gone to repair, you can separate with what's best for you clearly in your mind.
It might have been a moment of madness, he may feel you are both not sexually compatible with one another at the moment, he might feel intimidated by the fact that you are always put together when he might be feeling he is struggling, ageing and falling apart and he might have decided to bolster his ego based on feelings you might not even know he has.
Alternatively he might be an arrogant, unfeeling, hollowed out partner who doesn't take your love or needs into consideration, but without a lot of honest communication you will never know, so don't game play whatever you do, talk to him, deeply and meaningfully and get to the bottom of everything not just this because this is almost bound to be a symptom of something more important, and you need to know before you decide what to do. People we love (and actually who love us) do not always behave the way we want (or even they want to deep down) and people get hurt in the crossfire of that, so information is your friend at this point, get it and use it x