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The Rain Falls Mainly In The Plain

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Bazile | 10:49 Wed 03rd Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Well there has been hardly any down here

What's happened to all that lovely rain , promised by you lot up North ?


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I said last night, the northies nick it all
It’s to send us back into reality up here haha
Downpour overnight and the garden looking really fresh. Sun's out again now.
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I might have to drag the hose and sprinkler up the garden again (sigh) and all because you lot failed to deliver on your promises
Have a look at this, Bazile. It will show you where the rain is.;-0.442;9&l=rain-1h
Water storage facilities in the north of England are a great draw for the feverish and partially sighted from the parched and blighted south.
That map lying. At this moment, there is no rain here in East London.
Very grey looking & warm.
More sensibly I often see this, as I said last night. Rain that travels north to south often dissipates before it reaches the south and we don't get the heavy rain that was forecast. In the south we do better from west to east rain or (of course) south to north rain that travels over the channel. I am a bit amazed that north to south rain is still forecast as heavy for the south when its not likely to be by the time it gets here.
The map lies, no rain here in Norfolk, sadly.

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