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Have I Got News For You

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maggiebee | 15:04 Thu 11th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Report finds that 1 in 10 people regret extravagant purchases made
during lockdown such as hot tubs, exercise equipment and
£37bn Test and Trace Systems.


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And chatterbank goes down the tube again...^^^...thanks to TTT.
15:41 Thu 11th Nov 2021
And what is your question Maggie
It's a joke JJ, from the Facebook page of the television programme Have I Got News For You.
. . . or from the programme itself.
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And chatterbank goes down the tube again...^^^...thanks to TTT.
why? if you spout BS I don't care what section it's in, I''ll hunt it down. If the OP wanted a non political chat then why did she have a BS political non fact in it?
If you'd like a proper list of what folk regret buying, there's one here.
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Wrong thread.
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For goodness sake TTT lighten up a bit - it's a quote from "Have I got News for You". If you've ever watched the programme you'll know it's all a bit tongue in cheek.
// If you've ever watched the programme you'll know it's all a bit tongue in cheek.//

Used to be - but I think it's got a bit too vicious & past it's sell by date.

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Have I Got News For You

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