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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:52 Wed 17th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
morning, wednesday already and the days are whizzing by. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that you have a very good day. I have no plans for the day, but am hoping a courier arrives finally with my goods. I have been waiting a while so it should be today.
anyone have any plans for today?


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Good Morning All!
Turned out nice and sunny yesterday, today's looking good too, so make the most.
Take care
morning Chip.....just about ready to depart from here as life at large beckons and it looks like I will have to spend another 45 minutes hunting down the DWP to pay me my pension...they had promised a transfer overnight (two actually as they now owe me 3 months) but nothing has arrived. Grrrr
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morning Chip
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morning Jo....
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i get my pension regular as clockwork, once a month, paid in today.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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