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maggiebee | 13:44 Tue 12th Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
It's interesting to hear to Tories blaming the massive queue of lorries towards Dover as "Easter holidaymakers."

I personally never go away for a few days without taking my HGV with me


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my comment was just teasing you, maggie...I don't see anything to venomous, so far.
^ nor me. "Venom" is in the eye of the beholder.
None so blind...
maggie, I always take a lot of towels to spread on the deckchairs before the Germans get there, so an HGV licence is a must.
Ahh, right. Tongue in cheek, so the OP is the 'nonsense' bit of Chatterbank's 'Natter and Nonsense'. That explains it. Thanks.
// I always take a lot of towels //

that would probably make you the hoopiest frood on AB.....


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