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maggiebee | 11:05 Sat 03rd Dec 2022 | Jokes
13 Answers
Man gave up chocolate to become a magician.

He told his friends "I have a few twix up my sleeve."


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as long as nothing mars my act
His act used to be a marathon but everyone snickered.
I ROLOder with laughter when I read that
Hershey goes again :-)
I hope that your twix are Bountiful.............
of course he could have been lion.
Having bars of chocolate up his sleeve is a breakaway from the traditional cards trick and it isn't easy. I'd go so far as to say, it's no picnic. It may give him a boost but (and i'll wispa this in case he's listening in) he sounds like a flake, to me. A bit of a fruit and nut case, even.
I'd call for a time out on these chocolate puns, but i don't run this club, Maggiebee does.
Oi! I'm nowhere near anyone's sleeves.
where's Lion King when one needs him.
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Thanks for the fun folks. I'll take a Twirl now and bow out cause I've got he Munchies.
Whatever happened to the word conjuror ?
Ferrero what it's worth, Canary, i don't give a daim whether he is called a magician or a conjuror. It will have less effect on my life than a ripple on the surface of the ocean at high tide.

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