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"A Targeted Incident..."

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sandyRoe | 13:08 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

Words used by a police spokesman to describe the violent deaths of three women.

The police stated that the suspect may be armed with a crossbow.

Could he have been a bit more careful in his choice of words?



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You seem to be on a roll with taking offence dont you?

one hundred and eeeeiiiiighty !

What is wrong with those words?

Following the arrest of the suspect the Police said no shots were fired.Pity as the Prisons are full we are told.

the words "planned" or deliberate" might have come in useful. Of course shootings of any sort are targeted, but with bows and arrows  actual targets are typically used, so it could have been better worded.

I don't think anyone would have thought anything of it if you hadn't pointed it out sandy.

Probably says more about your thinking than the choice of words.

no, I noticed it too. Nothing major, it just sounds a bit clumsy.

If convicted he will join his brother in prison.He is serving a life sentence for murder.

Wow, some mod had fun with the delete key.

I don't recall things being that awful.

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Power without responsibility...



Mods don't delete posts.

Only the Eds.

mods can delete posts, happens all the time.

Ah. I was wondering how they dealt with spam. Thanks.

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