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Eu Leaders Have Offered To Help Labour Unpick Boris's Bodged Brexit Deal.

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gulliver1 | 10:06 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
108 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer says work has already begun negotiating with the EU to change the Bodged Tory deal . We intend to improve our relationship with the EU and that means closer trading with the EU."I do think Labour can get a much better deal than the Botched deal Boris saddled the UK with".           ....😎.Is this the start of getting Brexit Undone...Hope so.😎



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My mate Phil gives yet another example of how Brexit has made us a country of rule takers (not rule makers) – so much for sovereignty.


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Keir Starmers says he wants closer ties with the EU in agriculture, the economy, freedom of movement and lots more ....😎.Just get us back into the EU Sir Keir😎 and be done with it .

I see that in my mate Phil’s video he claims we can no longer kill our honey-bees with EU banned pesticides (now banned in the UK) - hurrah for sovereignty.

We can now do what we decide to do. I guess that point was missed by your mate.

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I suppose Cameron will be known in history for getting the UK out of the EU. Boris will be known for using Brexit as a platform to get himself into Downing St after hoodwinking the public and then messing up the Brexit deal.  Lets just hope Sir Keir Starmer will be know as the PM who saved Britain and made Britain great again by rejoining the EU.

The Brexiteers are so stupid that they don’t understand that we have no choice but to follow EU edicts (which we were once at the forefront of their development), if we want to have any reasonable export trade.


The alternative is to turn ourselves into North Korea - sadly many Brexiteers appear to want this.

Everyone who disagrees with Hymie is stupid.... according to Hymie.  

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Hymie 09.06 ......."The Brexiteers are so stupid"........       Have to agree on that one Hymie.

Through my work (a few years ago), I was in a meeting that included a senior manager of a major white goods manufacturer – the meeting was discussing the possibility of UK divergence from EU safety standards (applicable to the products they made).


He stated unequivocally, that should the UK deviate from EU standards that his company would pull out of the UK market, adding that this was not an idle threat.


If the UK was stupid enough to diverge for EU standards, we would have a smaller choice of goods to buy, and those remaining in the market would have the luxury of charging a premium price for their products.  Also UK manufacturers would suffer added difficulties selling their goods into the EU, being a country that did not apply EU standards by default.


A lose, lose for the UK as a result of Brexit.

Hymie, I was and still am a Brexiteer and don't consider myself stupid.  It was a demorcratic vote and you lost so just get on with life and not keep on going on about the same thing over and over.  I find it strange though that when you call people stupid you get away with it but when others do it they get posts removed.

I don’t think it unreasonable to call people who voted to become poorer ‘stupid’ – what term would you apply to such people?

Saying everyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid is really a bit of a stupid thing to say.  Not really democratic is it.  

By the way the only time I have been worse off was when I voted for and got a Labour government in the seventies.  Had a pay rise and my take home pay actually went down.

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Only Stupid people shoot themselves in both feet and then find it's difficult to walk.

I’m not at all saying that people who disagree with me are stupid, but those conned by the likes are Farage etc – clearly are lacking in critical thinking, and therefore can reasonably referred to as stupid.

We are where we are Hymie.My companys customers in Spain and Portugal,even Italy could have turned their backs on us British after Brexit,they didnt.Methinks us Brits are more highly regarded over in Europe than a lot of the Brexiteers think.

Hymie, "I’m not at all saying that people who disagree with me are stupid" but you do all the time.  The majority of peole voted to leave so by that you are saying the majority of people are stupid.

Hymie, that is not grown up discussion.  Other people disagree with you but that doesn't make them stupid.  Accept it.


Shedman, posts that target other members individually are likely to be removed - if spotted.

And the EU have to follow our regulations too if they wish to trade here, so you are trying to make a point where none exists.


If Brits are more highly regarded over in Europe than a lot of the Brexiteers think that may be because the population of member nations are impressed how we had the guts to get out while their government still keep them under an external elite's thumb.

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Shedman 09.31. Do you think that Brexit. Which was created by the ex outgoing Tory Govt was the real reason the Tories took such a hammering at General Election....I do😎

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