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Thisoldbird | 11:33 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | News
44 Answers

Once our Queen died I have little time for the royal family. 

Charles is a wimp and as for his lady friend, I can't bear to watch her. 


Having read the above article a few days ago just shows how they waste tax payers money on "staff".. Camillas sister  getting enormous amounts of money age 79 should have been pensioners off years ago. What a farce!!  





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The King cannot sin

 a bit James I - y innit ( J tried to sit in judgement in court in London  but was stymied by Coke and Bacon) and Divine Right of Kingsy

also Trumpy - I  can do what I like, I am president, right

No wonder Sotomayor (*) said - "we have created a king"

[ stifling cries of sotto-who -dat den etc inny wakes and comments er softly: "I know sotto voce but I dont know who the hell  sotomayor is, cansomeone translate"]

"can someone translate"?Physician heal thyself is a phrase that springs to mind Peter.

Khandro - The King can do no wrong?  You're having a joke methinks!

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