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Spare Tyre... Do You?

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Arksided | 13:55 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Motoring
24 Answers

Spare tyre do most motorists these days still have one on board their vehicle, or soley relient on a punture repair kit they may or may not have?

Spare tyre just post a yes or no.




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I don't drive but I do carry one around my waist.
14:00 Fri 09th Aug 2024



My car is fitted with run-flats (so no) - I have had the need to drive with a flat tyre - which had somehow picked up a cut in the side wall.

Luckily the tyre was near the end of its tread life, but they are limit to 50mph and 50 miles.

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Wow, I've never heard of them before, just had a quick google.

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