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Mobile Update - Help

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MargoTester | 12:18 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

My iPhone 5 was updated overnight to IOS 15.8.3. I now have a pop up telling me this with OK under a line I've tried to click on this but nothing is happening and phone is completely locked. Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Have you rebooted it ?

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Yes switched it off and on

I think there are factory type resets you can do, but we'll wait for a more informed answer then.

They usually ask for PIN code to be entered after an update

Just a thought do you mean IPhone 5 or 15. The 5 might be obsolete

The iPhones 5 and 5c are considered obsolete by Apple. The iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 both run iOS 12, for which Apple issued a security update in January 2023. This update was issued for those few devices that don't support iOS 15.Jul

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OH has just fixed it! Apparently he held down volume down button and on/off buttons simultaneously, the Apple logo appeared and and that cleared it. Thanks for trying to help. I suppose I'll have to think about getting a new phone at some point but I only really used it for WhatsApp and google 

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