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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Abbey, your previous experiences of having two part-time jobs didn't work out well. Also, the second part-time job would need to have a lot more than 10 hours, something like 27 would do - but then that might not fit in with the Selco shifts (sometimes just two hours, I think?)

A full-time job would be much better, but you've had no joy there over the past few years. Are you going to change what sort of jobs you go for? There's no point in sticking with roles that haven't worked out for you.

Are you sure that you are looking in the right sort of area for work, Abbey? You are good with animals it seems - how about kennel-maid etc.? Or almost anything except for retail which seems to be too much for you in whatever form.

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There's a dog homei volunteer but they not nice

Abbey, just remind yourself that years are passing by - rapidly - and your job prospects aren't getting any better! Don't waste time applying for jobs that are beyond you or don't interest you, I think some of your problems stem from 'Oh, this job'll do, it's Monday to Friday.'. It'd be better to focus on stuff that you can do, or stuff that you're willing to learn to do!

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I got an assessment for warehouse assistant next Friday 

Good luck.

Have you finished work for the day now? (I cant imagine you geta  break on a  2 hour shift.)

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Yes finished, apparently they let people go for interviews in selco 

Good luck with the assessment, Abbey. I hope you meet all the requirements of the job specification - I think you should only be going for posts where you fit the bill!

Yes, in some cases they can probably see a move suits everyone

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Apparently selco let people have time off to go for an interview 

Good Abbey!

Best of luck with your assessment!

Abbey, you mentioned that this morning....

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Sorry I forgot I did

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Honestly though am I doing the right thing looking for a new job?

Abbey, it's the right thing if you want any chance of having a decent wage, in a job with decent hours and decent prospects - oh, and maybe even the chance of having a place of your own some day. If you want another three or four years of working part-time, with all the problems that that has brought, stay where you are...

Of course!

You may come across a job which suits you better than what you have now.

I say, Go For It!

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Thanks I am looking for suitable Interview top

That's a good idea, Abbey, try and look as smart as possible.

I'd focus more on thinking of questions you're likely to be asked at the interview and developing some convincing answers.  They may for example ask what skills and qualities you can bring to the role, or why have you changed job so frequently in recent years, or what sort of self development you have done to improve your skills.

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I have got questions prepared in a folder and I will be looking at info about the company 

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