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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Letting people leave slightly earlier than contracted DOES happen. Abbey works only 10 hours a week, her employers might work out that she is due, say three days, holiday - so they'd be paying her for only 7 days (and 7 days at 2 hours, so not a huge financial burden).

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Well at an Interview employers ask what is your notice period and I been told 2 weeks by other employees 

Yes, Abbey, two weeks notice is fairly common, normal. If one of your supervisors, bosses, is approachable, you could always ask if the company usually sticks to that period. (Don't ask the woman you described as ' a snake'!)

It will be in your offer letter, but there's probably a condition of employment handbook somewhere at work or maybe online. Or ask... they are surely aware you might leave and may find they already have planned for it.

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Do employers normally plan for it?

Abbey, to be blunt... some employers are quite happy to see some employees go off elsewhere! The employers can be quite accomodating then...

Staff turnover is pretty high in that type of role and sometimes if they aren't too keen to retain someone they can subtly edge people towards leaving, so may be able to get a suitable replacement pretty quickly- or they can just give more hours to your colleagues

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I know been told in selco you can tell them you're going to an interview and they have to let you go.

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New if there's no cleaner checkout staff have to do cleaning.

Abbey, you have told us - several times - about Selco letting people go for interviews. I thought we were discussing notice periods? I wondered what your point was about checkout staff having to do cleaning if there were no cleaners, then remembered that you were taken on as a cleaner. I still think Selco might not be too insistent on you working out your notice.

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I'm going on checkout tomorrow and I'm so nervous.

"I know been told in selco you can tell them you're going to an interview and they have to let you go."

Is that by a manager or a colleague?

Well I am sure you will do another thread tomorrow about your day on the checkout.

Abbey, whatever happens tomorrow, I think you shouldn't apply for any new job involving till work. If you are so apprehensive about it, despite all your years in retail work, your recent training in Selco etc, it's obviously not for you.

PS You're giving yourself fewer and fewer job options with every passing month,every passing job.

Abbey, very best wishes for tomorrow.

I hope you do a fine job.

Just try to do your best.

Plenty on here have their fingers crossed for you!

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Another colleague then another said they have to let you go but don't have to pay you for it.

Well see how it goes from doing full day after so long.

If I was starting a new job I'd be excited.

Abbey, you would be better off asking your manager/supervisor, instead of asking various colleagues.

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If I did now they would that's giving it away that I'm job searching.

I know because a colleuge is leaving and he had to give 2 weeks.

Does it matter?

Abbey,  two weeks notice  is pretty standard, so you wouldn't be asking for anything extraordinary. Most employers would expect that from new starts. I'm sure some places take on people who have to give a month's notice. 

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