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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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abbey, I know you crave for the attention you get here, but you really need to talk about things with friends who know you but not with strangers for every small detail of how to live your life, however helpful some may be. Everyone has answered the same questions lots of times so now you just appear ungrateful or a timewaster

Actually be responsible and earn your income?

Ouch, I know that would be a difficult task for you Abbey but, just maybe, just maybe it may help you stop being a whinging whining little *** that believes the world owes you a living.

But I doubt that

"When I get another job"?

Do what you are asked to do, to the best of your ability.

That's what employers want.

So, get on with it!

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I mean how long do I wait to tell selco 

Wait to tell them what?  Stay there until you get another job.

Since you're here, how much is their postcrete?

£5.99 a bag

Oh Barry, have you just done a THECORBYLOON and exposed your alter-ego?

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Naomi tell them when I got another job do I tell them day after or wait abit?

You haven't got another job yet.


Hand in your notice when you have a firm offer in writing from another company. How. Much notice do you have to give at Selco

Douglas, a 30 second Google was all I needed

Abbey, are Selco likely to be contacted for a reference for you? If so, they'll know your plans - and your boss will know you're looking, seeing as you weren't, aren't, getting a full-time job there.

It's good to think positive, Abbey, but you haven't had a proper full-time job for quite some time, so don't get too ahead of yourself!

Tell them when you've definitely got another job.  

It may be useful to find out how much notice you need to provide SELCO IF you get another job.

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Normally it's 2 weeks but a colleuge said with me they might ask if I want to go now and they will pay me.

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Never they will when I been offered the job normally 

Abbey, thanks for that information. I know for many jobs, references are sought BEFORE a position is offered, but it's mainly professional jobhunting that I know more about!

"Normally it's 2 weeks but a colleuge said with me they might ask if I want to go now and they will pay me."

You need to speak to a manager, I cannot see a company paying you to leave early unless you are terrible and more trouble than you are worth.

Maybe the colleague thinks that might be the case here, ddil

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