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Do You Think Donald Trump Is 'A Very Bright Person'?

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sandyRoe | 18:20 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
68 Answers

He's just said that a lot of people think he is, and then went on to say that his Democratic opponent isn't.



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He's not academically thick - but he is graceless - and that makes him not very bright.

He is both academically thick, and academically ignorant.

Collected and edited by one of his fans no doubt.  

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Could anyone imagine a UK politician with a string of convictions mocking a disabled person and continuing their political career?

//Collected and edited by one of his fans no doubt.  //

Is any of it untrue?

40 out of 44 of his previous cabinet members have refused to endorse his candidacy this time around. That should tell you everything you need to know.

12.30 So ru saying bidet, whoops biden was also bright to have been POTUS?

No, he is not a very bright person.

I hope he does not win the election.

I would have liked to see Michelle Obama running against him!

Collected and edited by one of his fans no doubt.  

something we erm never do on AB !

Mamalyne told me not to do it, since it seemed connected to a super-tronic memory ( no notes, no notes) but didnt tell anyone else....

Bidon as Bidet

Fransh ( that is forrin, boys and girls) say Baa-ee-denne

and  not Bidon - which is jerry can ( bidonville is a slum made out of them)) and used for water as well, and er other  liquid stuff

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Do You Think Donald Trump Is 'A Very Bright Person'?

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