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Exploding Pagers......

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mushroom25 | 17:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | News
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many injured, and now deaths are being reported. Hezbollah are calling it a security breach, and are blaming Israel. if that is indeed the case, how was it possible?



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SP, I'm not suggesting the Israelis or whoever was behind it sent the pagers to individuals.

There would already be a system for distributing the pagers organized by Hezbollah and the doctored ones would have been dished out using that same system.



"The pagers went to whichever terrorist they went to."

That's the part that doesn't make sense to me.

Okay - say this was done to the IRA in the 80s. How would the British government know which pagers were going where? 

Say Motorola dispatched 5,000 pagers in the first quarter of 1984 - how would the UK Government (in this scenario) know which pagers were going where. 

Fairly straightforward, one large packing case from the Acme Pager Corp marked 'not for terrorists', 

you need one consignment  - which goes to a single distributor  "Peace lovers of Gaza" - 

getting them to go off together - you just need one signal ( sort of each one has the same pin)

compare to Dublin massacre of special branch ( IRA) 1917 cringe making - or Blowing up St Davids Hotel 1947 ( more cringe making ) - you also need - - lax security

Okay - say this was done to the IRA in the 80s.

no that was a single bomb trigger - the squash was broadcase on all frequencies but local. Bomb making is pretty skilled and killing a bomb maker is a big thing

I have always said-"the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist",however i will have to update my view to"and the next best thing to a dead terrorist is a living terrorist with his ***** blown off".

SP, we don't know for certain how the attacks were carried out.

If the pagers were doctored, it could have taken months to work out where they were getting them from, was it one source or was it many?

Once the supply routes were worked out, the ones behind the attack would have then had to arrange for the doctored ones to go to those unsuspecting suppliers.

Those suppliers would give or sell them to Hezbollah who would then dish them out.

Some say the 'how' is beyond the pay grade of the average ABer.

The results though are there for all to see.

BTW the gonad fixation is wearying.

Nothing new under the sun, is there?  It is clever and subtle enough to be Mossad. As someone said, the pagers were inended for Hezbollah activists (fair game) and as ever, innocents were caught up in it.

OH has told me that in Korea, when the American troops fled - leaving arms like Bazookas lying around - theChinese troops found and doctored them by hammering a small dint inside the barrels.  Result? A lot of headless American troops when they reclaimed their arms and attempted to use them.

'Man's inhumanity to man' --- I've heard that somewhere.

Doesn't matter if I approve or disapprove - it is a fact and human behaviour.

one gonad thread has already hit the buffers

Some say the 'how' is beyond the pay grade of the average ABer.

no there are a few ex servicemen with experience of the bomb squad. it is such a spectacular coup , we will get some sort of story

( obit of an SAS man I knew, I cdnt find one sentence that was true, since it  was the Times that was a first for me)

Yes,but it was a laugh at the time.Now discontinued.

Ynna 19:13 //Do you think Hezbollah gives a damn about a child being killed237sj?If they dont,why should we?//

Because we're supposedly better than them.

Even worse is that you seem to be celebrating the fact that a child was killed, as much as you were any terrorists. I guess if they off Lebanese kids before they get the chance to grow into terrorists, that's just the same eh?

Say Motorola dispatched 5,000 pagers

yeah the order is placed by one man and the 5000 go to him - and he, the quarter master distributes them

the  trick being to identify the buyer as middle eastern and not the buyer at you know Countess of Chester etc.

 I guess if they off Lebanese kids before they get the chance to grow into terrorists, that's just the same eh?

that I notice does seem to be a theme

flatten a school ( to get the tunnels under  them of course) and you get rid of a score or so of re terrorists

flatten a hospital and hey presto no one-legged terrorists

psst - has davebro been chained to a radiator?

I suspect the seller who convinced Hezbollah to upgrade was in the pay of Israel's secret service. They simply had to know one individual to contact and sell to, Hezbollah would do the rest on receipt. Wouldn't need to identify each terrorist separately.

@23.20.Whoa,whoa,mozz.My views seem to be callous,but if it is, i am only catching up with the Islamist terrorists.We are supposed to be better than them???Aye,much good its done us.

23:59 Catching up pretty rapidly though. Even that reply didn't sent that you were celebrating kids dying. If that allegation had been levelled at me, I'd have had a thing or two to say in denial of it.

This is terrorism. 

an eight year old girl was killed by one of these explosions... they went off in grocery stores and other public places.

if it was israel then that country is a terrorist state. 

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