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Do You Think I Should Report My Sister For Domestic Violence?

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Cindy1302 | 20:05 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
22 Answers

I was just talking to my sister, and she said that her, and her bf of 15 years fight a lot. She said he's never hit her. I said I'd try in kick his ass if he did, then my sister brought that she pushed him once, and that she punched in the shoulder. She said it like it was a joke, and she said that she can't hurt him, and that it's okay for her to do it, because she's a women, and he's man, but then she said she's just kidding. This is domestic violence isn't it? I really don't want to, but do you think I should report my sister to the police?



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You should report yourself for being a useless whinging and whining *** Cindy

Is there no mould, bad cleaning practices, unsafe cars, spilled oil or paedophilia you can also report?


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Do You Think I Should Report My Sister For Domestic Violence?

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