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Remote Control

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Maydup | 00:19 Mon 09th Dec 2024 | Technology
31 Answers

I keep buying new remote controls but they keep failing.
This time last year I bought a compatable replacement for £8 but it lasted just a few months so I bought a genuine replacement £25. That was about 8 months ago.
This evening is has stopped working. I've changed the batteries, I've cleaned it, I've rebooted the TV and the Humax box, still nothing. 

Thoughts? Suggestions gratefully received.



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it's a shame it didn't work, it worked on ours.

Can you see the light flash on the TV when you press a button?

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No, nothing flashing Barry. actually it's the remote that operates the Humax box and then TV through that box, thats playing up. We're getting through a couple of remotes a year and I promise we don't throw them at each other! 

I've just found out my Virgin remote doesn't show on my phone, it's RF, not infra red.

Have you held the TV and red buttons together for 10 seconds?

Or entering 2580?

Pairing the remote to the TV again?

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Yep tried the red button thing but tbh it's in the bin now! Two evenings spent googling and experimenting has taken its toll! 
thanks for trying Barry! 

Shame ☚ī¸

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By way of an update - the new remote control arrived today and works a treat. Fingers crossed this one lasts a few months at least!

Is your Humax connected to Freesat through a dish?

Ours is and last week it started giving a message ' no signal or weak signal ' if  I connected any of the four wires from the dish to the there was no problem. Via email Humax told me how to reset to original settings, works flawlessly now, good service for a 12 year old machine.

Genuine remote?

Try the phone camera test 😁

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@Netherfield - No dish 

@Barry Not a genuine replacement no since the last one proved to be no better than the compatable option! And the camera test works fine now!

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