Anyone know where I could purchase such a b/f said to me today whilst he was decorating........go to the hardware store and get some tartan paint......the man in the store looked at me like I was stupid and said, sorry love, I think whoever sent you for this is taking the mickey. I got home and told my b/f and he said.....Oh B&Q will have it....I'll go and get it myself tomorrow.
whilst your there ask for a long stand bez. Oh and your BF may want to replace his glass hammar and so ask for one of those too. And a sky hook.
and what are you doing in here i sent you down to get some celebrity lifestyle gossip from the shopping sub-section (as opposed to the celebrity gossip sub- sections in both Film & Tv and Music ) about half an hour ago!
I bet you are one of those super efficient people who, when they paint a room, they mix the primer, undercoat and the two top coats together in one tin, so painting on four coats at once and saving yourself a hellova lot of time.
You might need a bucket of blue steam as well . You can buy them in a wire mesh bucket. usually kept next to the spare bubbles for the spirit level. :o) pmsll